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struct (c49b2)

Generation and Manipulation of the Structure (PSF)

The commands described in this node are used to construct and
manipulate the PSF, the central data structure in CHARMM (see psf_ltm.F90).
The PSF holds lists giving every bond, bond angle, torsion
angle, and improper torsion angle as well as information needed to
generate the hydrogen bonds and the non-bonded list. It is essential
for the calculation of the energy of the system. A separate data
structure deals with symmetric images of the atoms. Images:
» images .

There is an order with which commands to generate and manipulate
the PSF must be given. First, segments in the PSF must be generated one
at a time. Prior to generating any segments, one must first have read a
residue topology file, see » io Read. To
generate one segment, one must first read in a sequence using the READ
command, see » io Sequence. Then, the GENERATE
command must be given.

Once a segment is generated, it may be manipulated. This can
be done in a very general way using the patch command. The patch
command allows, for instance, the addition of disulfide bridges,
changing the protonation state of a titratible residue or to make a
histidine heme crosslink.

The PSF can be saved with the "WRITE PSF" command. A PSF may be
read with the "READ PSF" command. The "READ PSF" command has an "APPEnd"
option that allows the merging of individual PSF files. In addition, the
"DELETE" command allows the deletetion of atoms and all references to the
deleted atoms.

* Generate | Generating a segment
* Nbx | Nonbond exclusion lists
* Patch | Multi purpose patch command to modify the PSF
* Autogen | Autogenerate angles and/or dihedrals and activate Drude particles
* Delete | Deleting atoms from the PSF
* Rename | Renaming atoms, residues, or segments
* Join | Joining two adjacent segments to form one

The Generate Command - Construct a Segment of the PSF

[Syntax GENErate segment]

GENErate [segid] { generate-spec } [SETUp]
{ DUPLicate segid }

generate-spec::= [FIRSt pres] [LAST pres] [WARN] [ ANGLe ] [ DIHEdrals ]
[ NOANgle ] [ NODIhedral]


This command uses the sequence of residues specified in the last
READ SEQUuence command and the information stored in the residue
topology file to add the next segment to the PSF. Each segment contains a
list of all the bonds, angles, dihedral angles, and improper torsions
needed to calculate the energy. It also assigns charges to all the
atoms, sets up the nonbonded exclusions list, and specifies hydrogen
bond donors and acceptors. Any internal coordinate which references
atoms outside the range of the segment is deleted. This prevents any
unexpected bonding of segments.
The FIRSt and LAST specifications define what patch-residues
should be used for the terminating residues. If no specification is given,
then the default patching as specified in the topology file will be used.
The WARN keyword, will list all elements that were deleted due
to nonexistant atoms (usually references to the terminating residues).
The SETUp option will cause any internal coordinate table entries
(IC) from the topology file to be appended to the main IC table.

The ANGLe (NOANgle) and DIHEdral (NODIhedral) options overide the
autogeneration options specified in the topology files or by the AUTOgen command.
This may be done to suppress unwanted additional terms, or to add terms.
Autogeneration will only be applied to the new segment.

NOTE: The solvent residues (TIP3, ST2, WAT) must be generated with
the NOANgle and/or NODIhedral qualifier, either specified here or in the RTF.

Also, there is a special "READ SEQUence residue_type integer" command where
integer is the number of resudies of residue_type (often water molecules).
This avoids the need to list the number of residues followed by the
specification of each TIP3 residue name individually as is done with a

For the DUPLicate segment option, the generate command MUST NOT
be preceeded by a READ SEQUence command. This option will create a new
segment which is identical (except for the segid) to an existing segment.
This option is mainly intended for the use in setting up small crystals
for viewing and other analysis.

Some pairs of atoms are excluded from the nbond exclusion lists
because their interactions are described by other terms in the hamiltonian.
By default directly bonded atoms and the 1-3 atoms of an angle are excluded
from the nonbond calculation. In addition the diagonal interactions of
the six membered rings in tyrosine and phenylalanine were excluded from
the nonbond calculation through charmm version 15 with RTOPH6. Hydrogen
bonds, and dihedral 1-4 interactions are not excluded (note that other
workers may differ from us on one or both of these points).

The list of nonbonded exclusion is generated in two steps. First
a preliminary list is made at generation by GENIC using any information
that may be present in the topology file (for example, diagonal
interactions in rings). The second step is an automatic compilation of
all the bond and angle interactions, followed by a sorting of the list,
performed in MAKINB. The list is stored in the linked list pair IBLO14/INB14,
where IBLO14(i) points to the last exclusion in INB14 to atom i. If the list
is modified after MAKINB, then either MAKINB should be called again to
resort the list, or care must be taken to see that the INB14 list is ascending
with all INB14 entries having higher atom numbers than i and that all atoms
have at least one INB entry.

MAKINB is called by default after any operation which changes
internal coordinates such as generate, patch, or edit.

The exclusion list can be specified in three ways. First, interactions
that are to be excluded can be placed in the topology file by listing
the excluded atoms after the charge. Second,
NBXM mode can be specified as a qualifier to any of the commands which
change internal coordinates. Third, the default NBXM value can be specified
in the parameter file. The NBXM values and actions are (in the
following "include" refers to what is being kept (included) in the
exclusion list):

0 use the existing list (do nothing)
1 or -1 include nothing extra
2 or -2 include only 1-2 (bond) interactions
3 or -3 also include 1-3 (angle) interactions
4 or -4 also include 1-4 interactions automatically.
5 or -5 include up to 1-3 interactions as exclusions and process
1-4 interactions using the 1-4 van der Waal parameters and
reduced elecrostatics (E14FAC).

Negative values suppress the use of the information present in
the topology file. Positive values add to the information that was in
the topology file.

Patch command to modify PSF

[SYNTAX PATCh structure file]

Syntax (command level)

PATCh <pres-name> segid1 resid1 [, segid2 resid2 [,...
[, segid9 resid9]...]] patch-specs

patch-specs::= [SETUp] [WARN] [SORT] [ ANGLe ] [ DIHEdrals ]
[ NOANgle ] [ NODIhedral]

Syntax (corresponding patch residue in RTF)

PRES <pres-name>

[ATOM <I><atomname> <parameter type> <charge> ]
[DELEte ATOM <I><atomname>]

[ [DELEte] BOND <I1> <I2> ]
[ [DELEte] ANGLe <I1> <I2> <I3> ]
[ [DELEte] DIHEdral <I1> <I2> <I3> <I4> ]
[ [DELEte] IMPRoper <I1> <I2> <I3> <I4> ]
[ [DELEte] DONOr [<I1>] <I2> [[<I3> [<I4>]] ]
[ [DELEte] ACCEptor <I1> [ <I2> [ <I3> ]] ]

[ IC <I1> <I2> [*]<I3> <I4> real real real real real ]
[ DELEte IC <I1> <I2> [*]<I3> <I4> ]

[ [DELEte] DIHEdral <I1> <I2> <I3> <I4> ]
[ [DELEte] DIHEdral <I1> <I2> <I3> <I4> ]

where I1, I2, I3, I4 refer to <I><atomname>.

Rules governing the patch procedure:

1) If an atom is being added via a PATCH at least one or more atoms
already existing in the residue to which the patch is being added
must be included in the PRES with an ATOM statement. Unless
this(these) atoms are deleted using the DELEte ATOM command
internal terms associated with this atom which are already present
in the residue should NOT be included in the PRES.

2) if no <I> is specified before <atomname> the patch procedure assumes
that the atom should be in residue (segid1 resid1).

3) a '-', '+', '#' as a first letter in <atomname> tries to locate or add
the atom <atomname> in the previous, next, next of the next, residue
of residue (segid<I> resid<I>), respectively.

4) GROUP brackets in a patch residue have highest priority.

5) If no GROUP is specified, the group numbers of referenced, already
existing atoms remain unchanged. Added atoms are placed in the last group
of the referenced residue.

6) A GROUP statement in a patch residue CAN enclose atoms in different
referenced residues. However, if there is a conflict between
sequential residue AND group boundaries new residues MIGHT be created
with resid's and segid's referring to the referenced residues.
These cases are indicated by a message from MAPIC that a negative number
of residues were created. The user has to check the PSF explicitly
to decide whether the modifications done by PATCH are appropriate.

7) Along with the PSF the coordinates, comparision coordinates, harmonic
constraints, fixed atom list, internal coordinates (IC) are
mapped correctly.


9) Any bond, angle, etc referring to deleted atoms is itself deleted.
The bond, angle, etc lists are compressed.

10) In the RTF reader, along with the AUTOgenerate ANGLe and/or
DIHEdral options, the PATCH option will cause angles/and/or dihedrals
to be automatically generated after each patch command. If autogeneration
is not done, explicit angles and/or dihedrals have to be included in the PRES.
The angles and/or dihedrals may be generated
automatically for any PRES which is used in the GENErate
statement following the FIRSt or LAST statements.

11) The SORT option will sort most PSF arrays.

Completely autogenerate all angles and/or dihedral

AUTOgen { OFF } [PATCh ] [atom-selection]
{ ON } [NOPAtch]
{ [ANGLes ][ DIHEdrals ] }

The ANGLes and DIHEdrals deletes all current angles and/or dihedrals
and regenerates the lists based on the connectivity and other PSF data.
This may be needed after patching, or if the PSF is modified in other ways.

The PATCh option activates autogeneration for patches, otherwise AUTOgenerate
needs to be specified after all patching has been completed.
This option is not recommended when many patches are needed (slow).
The NOPAtc option suppresses autogen when patching.

In general, autogenerate simplifies the
development of residues and patches, since only bonding terms need to
be specified in RESI and PRES definitions.

The autogeneration procedure is controlled by flags. Atom based flags
are accessible via the scalar commands, and are coded as follows:
1 bit -- Delete angles where this atom is central (J position).
2 bit -- Delete angles where this atom is non-central (I or K position)
4 bit -- Delete dihedrals where this atom is central (J or K position)
8 bit -- Delete dihedrals where this atom is non-central (I or L position)
16 bit -- Do not do parameter checking for angles and dihedrals involving this atom
32 bit -- Angles involving this atom are to be neither added or deleted by autogen
64 bit -- Dihedrals involving this atom are to be neither added or deleted by autogen

Thus, setting the code to 0, allows autogen to hunt for angles/dihedrals that involve that atom.
Setting the code value of 96, prevents autogen from modifying any angles/dihedrals for that atom.
Setting the code value to 15 will cause all angles and dihedrals involving the atom to be deleted,
but some may be added again, but only if explicitly specified in the RTF.
The atom codes may also be changed in a patch (PRES) or with the AUTOgenerate command.

The autogenerate bond control flags are:
1 bit -- Consider this bond when autogenerating
2 bit -- Delete angles where this bond is involved (I-J or J-K)
4 bit -- Delete dihedrals where this bond is central (J-K position)
8 bit -- Delete dihedrals where this bond is non-central (I-J or K-L position)
The autogenerate for specific angle and dihedral term control flags are:
1 bit -- Consider this term when autogenerating
2 bit -- Delete angle (if angle term)
4 bit -- Delete dihedral(s)
The bond, angle, and dihedral codes can only be changed in a patch, or by editing a PSF file.

The "OFF" command sets the 32 and 64 bits autogeneration flag for selected atoms.
This will not modify or remove any existing angles or dihedrals.

The "ON" command clears the 32 and 64 bits autogeneration flag for selected atoms.
This will not modify or remove any existing angles or dihedrals.

To control the autogeneration process when generating or patching the PSF,
the following RTF commands may be used to set atom and other control flags:
(see » io RTF File format for more information.)

To set or reset flags used for all subsequent autogeneration.
AUTOgen { [ ANGLes ] [ DIHEdrals ] [ PATChes ] [ PCHEck ] } [ DRUDe ]
[ NOANgl ] [ NODIhedal ] [ NOPAtch ] [ NOPCheck ] [ NODRude ]
{ OFF }

To get an extra dihedral to be added after autogenerate (regardless of connectivity).
DIHE <I> <J> <K> <L> (in a RESI or PRES with autogen enabled)

To delete a specific dihedral after autogenerate.
NODIHE <I> <J> <K> <L>

To get an extra angle to be added after autogeneration (regardless of connectivity).
ANGLE <I> <J> <K>

To delete a specific angle after autogenerate.
NOANGLE <I> <J> <K> (but still generate dihedrals)
ANGLE <I> <J> <K> NOAUtgen (also deletes any related dihedrals)
LINEAR <I> <J> <K> (angle is deleted and no dihedrals generated)

Angle to be generated, but excluded when generating dihedrals.
ANGLE <I> <J> <K> NODIhedrals (Use for triple bonds where angle term is kept)

Bond to be excluded when creating angles.
BOND <I> <J> NOANgles

Bond to be excluded when creating dihedrals.
BOND <I> <J> [ NODCentral ] No "J-K" bond position dihedral autogenerate
[ NODEdges ] No "I-J" nor "K-L" bond position dihedral autogenerate
[ NODIhedral ] No dihedral autogenerate involving this bond

Bond to be excluded when creating both angles and dihedrals.
BOND <I> <J> NOAUtogen
BOND <I> <J> NOANgles NODIhedrals
Note: This only removes dihedrals where these two atoms form the central bond.

Atom to be excluded when creating angles.
ATOM iupac atom-type-name charge repeat(exclusion-names) ...
[ NOANgles ] No angles involving this atom
[ NOACentral ] No "J" atom position angle autogenerate
[ NOAEdges ] No "I" or "K" atom position angle autogenerate

Atom to be excluded when creating dihedrals.
ATOM iupac atom-type-name charge repeat(exclusion-names)...
[ NODIhedrals ] No dihedrals involving this atom
[ NODCentral ] No "J" nor "K" atom position dihedral generated
[ NODEdges ] No "I" nor "L" atom position dihedral generated

Atoms to be excluded when creating both angles and dihedrals.
ATOM iupac atom-type-name charge repeat(exclusion-names) NOAUtogen
ATOM iupac atom-type-name charge repeat(exclusion-names) NOANgles NODIhedrals

Example: If one wants just one dihedral through a particular bond
(instead of all possible), then this is one way to get that:
BOND <J> <K> NODCentral
DIHE <I> <J> <K> <L>

Example: For a 4-coordinated planar metal center, use something like this:

Important note: In the command
BOND <I1> <J1> <I2> <J2> <I3> <J3> NODIH
the NODIhedrals keyword applies to all three bonds, and not just the last one!

Delete atoms or energy terms in the structure

[Syntax DELEte terms in structure file]

DELEte { ATOMs atom-selection } [SORT]
{ }
{ { BONDs } { double-atom-selection } }
{ { ANGLes } { atom-selection [ALL] } }
{ { DIHEdrals } }
{ { IMPRoper-dihedrals } }
{ { CONNectivity } }


The DELEte ATOM option deletes selected atoms and all references

Note: If PERT is currently in use, this command only affects the active
(lambda=1) PSF. The reference PSF (lambda=0) is only modified by the PERT

For the internal energy terms, any entry that has an atom selected
in both atom selections will be deleted. Note, if an atom is selected in
both atom selections, all connections to this atom will be deleted,
except for bonds. For a bond to be deleted, one of its atoms must
appear in each of the atom selections. The CONN (connectivity) option
will delete all bond, angles, dihedrals, and improper dihedrals.
This option avoids the necessity of running the DELEte command four times
when one wishes to break some connectivity.

The ALL keyword with a single atom selection will only delete
elements where all atoms are selected.

The SORT option performs an optional sorting of the PSF after the
deleted atoms have been mapped out.

RENAme - rename portions of the current PSF
[SYNTAX RENAme structure file elements]

RENAme is invoked only from the main command parser and it
includes the working PSF. Its syntax is;

RENAme { SEGId } new-name atom-selection
{ RESId }
{ RESN }
{ ATOM }

Any atoms selected will have the corresponding ID modified.
There is a check for duplicate SEGIDs, RESIDs, and atom names, but it
wont stop you if BOMLEV is negative. Renaming ST2 will not change their
status (except in the setup for SHAKE, which will be fixed soon).

Joining Two Adjacent Segments

For some operations, it is convenient to be able to join
two adjacent segments together. This process has no effect on the
energy terms, but just reorganizes naming and grouping of atoms
into segments. This is especially useful with IMAGES so that
all images in the PSF are identified only as a single segment.


JOIN first_segment [second_segment] [ RENUmber ]

The second segment must follow the first sequentially in the
PSF. There is no checking for duplicate residue identifiers. The
RENUmber option sets the resid for each residue of the composite
segment to the relative index in that segment (just as it would have
during a generate command). If only a single segment is specified
with the RENUmber option, then the resid's of this segment will be
numbered sequentially.