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mobhy (c49b2)

Molecular Dynamics with Mobile Protons (MOBHY)

Author: Themis Lazaridis, 2016-2023

This module allows one to perform classical molecular dynamics simulations
with protons hopping between titratable residues and water/hydronium/hydroxide.
This is accomplished via hopping attempts every user-specified number of steps.
For hopping to occur the residues need to be h-bonded (as determined by the HBOND
module according to user specified h-bonding criteria). At mid-2023 only
Asp,Glu,His and water have been sufficiently tested.

The PSF must be generated with all titratable residues fully protonated and a
sufficient number of hydronium/hydroxide ions, so that a place will exist
for all possible protons. When a proton hops out it is replaced by a DUMmy atom.
The user also provides parameters for the deprotonation energy of each residue.

This code is work in progress. Please email for any
issues encountered.

References: Lazaridis & Hummer, “Classical Molecular Dynamics with Mobile Protonsâ€,
JCIM 57:2833-45 (2017)

Lazaridis “Molecular origins of asymmetric proton conduction in the influenza
M2 channelâ€, BJ, 122: 90-98 (2023)


MOBHY IHOPfr int NTITr n NH3O nh3o NOH noh EBBRf file (segid resid p-status)n
H3OS (resid)nh3o OHS (resid)noh [maft nstep N] VOLT volt WIDTH width (atom selection)

IHOPfr default 10 frequency of attempting hops

NTITr default 0 Number of titratable residues

NH3O default 0 Number of actual hydroniums in the starting configuration

NOH default 0 Number of actual hydroxides in the starting configuration

EBBRf Parameter file for bond breaking/making energies & hopping
thresholds (mobhy.prm)

p-status : for each titratable residue, it must be one of the following: P
(protonated), U (unprotonated), U1, or U2. U1 and U2 are for Histidine;
U1 corresponds to HSD and U2 to HSE.

H3OS Residue number(s) of nh3o actual hydroniums. If not given, the first nh3o
H3O residues are selected.

OHS Residue number(s) of noh actual hydroxides. If not given, the first noh
HOH residues are selected.

VOLT default 0 Transmembrane voltage, in V. This is an extra term
in the energy function based on an analytical solution
of the PB equation (Mottamal,Lazaridis Biophys Chem 122:50 (2006)

WIDTH real Length across the membrane over which the voltage drops

atom-selection Atoms on which the voltage is applied

acidic/basic Keyword specifying whether proton hop attempts will be made from H3O to water
or from water to OH. If NH3O>0, then acidic is set automatically.
Similarly, if NOH>0, basic is set automatically.

maft nstep N keyword specifying that energy minimization for N steps should be done
after hop acceptance

The MOBHY command must follow the generation of the psf. The PSF must be generated
with all titratable residues fully protonated (i.e. with ASPP,GLUP patches for
Asp and Glu and HSP for all histidines). In addition, it must contain sufficient
number of hydronium ions, at least equal to the titratable sidechains. NH3O is
smaller than that number, it is the actual hydronium ions in the starting
configuration. All others will be deprotonated (but will contain a DUMMY atom
that could be replaced by a titrating hydrogen during the dynamics). Similarly,
residues HOH are waters that can lose a proton to become hydroxide. There has to
be sufficient number of them in the system (typically 5 times the number of actual OH).
(Note: hydroxide is still being developed and tested)

After the MOBHY command, the user may proceed with minimization, dynamics, etc.

The sum of bond breaking/making energy and voltage energy are reported in the ASP column
(implicit solvent and proton hopping are incompatible, so no reason to create a new energy term).


1. Two extra files are required and they are found in /support and /test/data.
mobhy.str contains the hydronium topology and various parameters needed.
It should be streamed after all other topology and parameter files.
mobhy.prm has the bond energy offsets and the hopping thresholds and
is read by the MOBHY command.

2. The module uses the HBOND facility to track candidates for proton hops,
which has to be activated with an HBONDS command. However, the H bond energy
term should be excluded from the total energy using the command "skipe hbond imhb".

The lowest update frequency must be smaller or equal to IHOPfr. For example, if
IHOPfr=10, set INBFRQ=10 and IHBFRQ=10.

Acceptor and donor commands can be used to remove irrelevant hydrogen bond donors
and acceptors from consideration (to save computer time). Also, certain atoms that
become acceptors upon deprotonation must be declared as such with an "acceptor" command.

3. IC tables are used to reconstruct the coordinates of titratable residues,
so they need to be present.


1. The current code does not perform proton hops across periodic boundaries.
This could be fixed in the future by considering primary-image H bonds.

2. Because the module fixes and unfixes atoms during hop attempts (the IMOVE array)
to make energy calculation more efficient, the system should contain no fixed atoms,
otherwise they will be released after the first hop attempt.

3. The BYGR nonbonded keyword should be used in hopping simulations. BYCB gives
segmentation fault.

4. Only the default leapfrog integrator can be used with MOBHY.

5. The code makes assumptions about the order of the atoms in the psf (e.g. OH2,H1,H2,H3
in hydronium, or that HE2 is the last atom in protonated Glu). If the order of atoms
in the topology file changes, the code will fail.

6. SHAKE needs to be used to keep the dummy atoms from floating away. However, there is
an issue. The H3O residues switch identity between hydronium and water, whose geometries
are different. Ideally, the bond constraint values should change when the identity changes.
This has not been done yet. As a result, the type of shake command affects significantly
the hopping energy changes. For now, it seems best to only shake H3 to the OH2 of the H3O
residue, see example below.


(read top_all36_prot.rtf, par_all36m_prot.prm, ..., toppar_water_ions.str)

open read unit 11 card name mobhy.str
stream unit 11

(generate or read psf)

(if psf is read, read also IC table if you have titratable protein residues)

(read coordinates, generate images, etc)

nbonds bygr ... ! bycb doesn't work with Mobhy

shake bonh param sele .not. resname H3O end
shake bonh param noreset sele atom h3osegid * OH2 end sele atom h3osegid * H3 end

! To save time in H.Bond searches, remove the HB donors and acceptors
! that are irrelevant. Leave only H3O, TIP3, and titratable residues
! This can also be used to disallow certain hops
donor remove ...
acceptor remove ...
hbonds ihbfrq 10 cuthb 3.1 !sets up H.Bond facility. Frequency of searching and criteria
skipe hbond imhb !must omit the H.Bond energy
! The following requests hopping attempts every 10 steps. There are 12 titratable residues
! and 1 real hydronium (if not specified, it is the first in the psf. If desired, the IRES
! of the hydronium(s) can be given by the h3os keyword). Here all 12 titratable residues start deprotonated.
! minimize energy for 40 steps after hop acceptance. Apply a voltage of -2 V in the z direction
! over a length of 55 Ã…. The voltage is to be felt only by H3O residues and residues PROA 112 & 185
mobhy ihopfr 10 ntit 12 nh3o 1 ebbr mobhy.prm proa 112 U proa 123 U proa 130 U -
proa 174 U proa 185 U proa 119 U proa 153 U proa 164 U proa 171 U proa 192 U -
proa 196 U proa 225 U maft nstep 40 volt -2 width 55 sele resn H3O .or. -
(segid proa .and. (resid 112 .or. resid 185)) end

(minimize, etc)

dyna CPT leap ...

Test cases

c48test: mobhyglu.inp, mobhyhis.inp, mobhym2.inp