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mlpot (c49b2)

PyCHARMM Element doc/ 2.0

Machine Learning Potential (MLpot)

By K. Töpfer, L.I. Vazquez-Salazar, O.T. Unke, M. Meuwly
( ,

The MLpot extension in the PyCHARMM toolkit allows using a custom
machine learning-based (ML) interaction potential based on the Asparagus
program package ( to apply, e.g., a
PhysNet model potential (J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 3678-3693). This
implementation allows the user to run mixed ML/MM simulations akin to the more
widely known QM/MM simulations.

The custom potential energy function does not only provide the
application of a n-dimensional reactive force field for a selected set
of ML atoms, it can also provide conformationally dependent atom
centered charges for computing electrostatic interactions with the
fixed point charges of the other MM atoms in the simulation. The ML-MM
electrostatic interactions are handled by the Asparagus model potential
using the shifted Coulomb cutoff scheme to include the partial derivative
of the ML atom charges by the ML atom position. Alternatively, fixed point
charges as defined in the psf file can be used for the ML part as
well. Note, that the LJ parameter do not adopt changes in the bonding
structure. The implementation of the PhysNet model in CHARMM using the
PyCHARMM API is intended to be as flexible as possible to use for
other ML potential models.

* Syntax | Syntax of MLpot Class
* Description | Description of MLpot Input Parameters
* Requirements | Requirements to Run MLpot Module
* Capabilities | Description of Capabilities
* Examples | Various Examples
* Frequent Errors | Solution for Frequent Errors
* Notes | Developer notes

Syntax of MLpot Class


Description of MLpot Input Parameters

Keyword - (Type, Default) Purpose

ml_model - (asparagus.interface.model_pycharmm.PyCharmm_Calculator)
PyCHARMM model potential calculator object from the
Asparagus program package, which must be initialized prior
to the activation of the pycharmm.MLpot module.

Z - (list) Respective atomic numbers of the ML atoms
which are consistent with the atomic number label in the
trained ML model.

ml_selection - (pycharmm.SelectAtoms object) SelectAtoms object of the
atoms that are treated by the ML potential.

ml_charge - (int, default=0) Total charge of the ML atom selection.
Note: For ml_fq=True, the psf charges
of the ML atom are all set to zero to neglect
electrostatic interaction by the CHARMM force
field. This could be in conflict for a selection
of ML atoms with total charges different than

ml_fq - (bool, default=True) Use conformational dependent
fluctuating charge prediction of the ML potential model to
compute the ML-MM electrostatic interaction. If False, the
ML-MM electrostatic interaction is captured by the CHARMM
force field using the atomic charges defined in the psf

mlmm_ctofnb - (float, default=None) Maximum non-bonded interaction range
of the ML-MM atom electrostatic interactions. if None, the
ctofnb value defined in CHARMM is used. Note that ML
potential uses the non-bonded list to include
interaction between ML atoms of the central cell with the
ones from the image cells if periodic boundary
conditions are enabled. That requires cutnb larger than the
cutoff range of the PhysNet model and cutnb should be
larger than cutofnb (ctonnb < ctofnb < cutnb).

mlmm_ctonnb - (float, default=None) Non-bonded interaction range threshold
of the ML-MM atom electrostatic interactions at which the
switch-off function is applied additional to the shifted
Coulomb potential scheme. if None, the ctonnb value defined
in CHARMM is used.

Requirements to Run MLpot Module

The MLpot module requires the working Asparagus program package linked
via to by the PYTHONPATH environment variable. It is available at and supports the sampling,
training and application of implemented machine learning-based model
potentials using the PyTorch module.

To carry out computations with a ML potential a PyCHARMM calculator
class object of a trained model potential must be initialized in the
PyCHARMM script and passed to the MLpot function. To avoid errors, the
MLpot module should be called in the PyCHARMM script after the molecular
system is fully set up and the non-bonding parameter setup is defined.
There can only be one MLpot module active in the simulation.

Description of Capabilities

The MLpot module is only callable via PyCHARMM. MLpot is compatible with
standard CHARMM machinery for periodic boundaries, non-bonded cutoffs and
constant-pressure simulations. If fluctuating charges are disabled, MLpot
behaves likes a usual custom energy function defined in usersb and Ewald
summation is supported. If fluctuating charges are enabled, only zero
charge ML atom selection are supported so far and Ewald summation is
applicable. As ML-MM electrostatic interactions are handled by the MLpot
module itself, the ML atom charges in the psf file are set to zero to avoid
double counting. In case of Ewald summation, the near field evaluation of the
ML-MM electrostatic interaction is done by MLpot, but far range interaction
between ML-MM atoms becomes zero due to the zero charges of ML atoms in the
psf file.

Technically, all existing bonds, angles, dihedrals and improper angles
between the ML atoms are deleted and ML atom pairs are included to the
non-bonding exclusion list. CHARMM may also deletes all angles, dihedrals
and improper angles including just even one ML atom. As there are no
bonds between ML atoms, SHAKE is not applicable to constraint bond
distances or angles between ML atoms. If hydrogen atom are part of the
ML atom selection it is recommended to set the time step to equal or
lower than 0.5 fs.

No other CHARMM modules are included into the MLpot implementation.
Thus, all modules affecting partially the potential energy including ML atoms
(e.g. BLOCK module) could not be compatible with MLpot and should be
thoroughly tested before production runs are carried out.

If the simulated system only contains atoms defined in the ML atom
selection, CHARMM cannot handle the energy output information
correctly and shows 'NaN' and '-Infinite' values. The simulation
however seems to run correctly.

A conversion of the CHARMM neighbor list to a ML-ML and ML-MM atom
pair list is performed in a CHARMM module (api_func.F90) using module
defined integer arrays of certain size to avoid allocation each time
the function is called. Currently the max size support a ML atom
selection size of 100 atoms (max_Nml) and pair interactions of up to
100000 (max_Npr). Especially the number of pair interaction might
become a source for errors for very large ML and MM atom numbers.


One test script for the simulation of a formic acid dimer in water can be
found in the charmm directory (tool/pycharmm/tests/

Further examples for molecular dynamic simualation can be found in the
Aspargus example directory:

Frequent Errors:

- Error when importing pycharmm module or generally 'ctype' errors
Possible Solution:
- Check whether the version of the python package 'protobuf' is lower or
equal '3.20.1'. Newer version lead to errors reqgarding 'ctype' and the
pipe between CHARMM (Fortran) and PyCHARMM (Python).
- Recompile the full CHARMM version including the '--as-library' label
when running './ --as-library'. Don't forget to run
'make install' after compilation to generate 'lib/'.
(aka "Have you tried turning it off and on again?", Roy Trenneman,
The IT Crowd (2006-2013))

- Error in PyCHARMM when reading system (e.g. read psf file)
***** LEVEL -3 WARNING FROM <psf_read_formatted> *****
***** atom type not found for atom
Possible Solution:
- Different to native CHARMM, PyCHARMM needs an 'ATOMS' block in the
parameter ('*.par' or '*.prm') files. Otherwise it won't recognize
bonding terms. Basically just copy the respective atom definitions from
the topology file ('*.top' or '*.rtf') to the 'ATOMS' block at the top
of the parameter file.
E.g. (examples/FPhOH_water/toppar/pfoh.par):
* Parameters generated by analogy by
* CHARMM General Force Field (CGenFF) program version 1.0.0

MASS 61 CG2R61 12.01100 ! 6-mem aromatic C
MASS 65 CG2R66 12.01100 ! 6-mem aromatic carbon bound to F
MASS 24 HGR62 1.00800 ! nonpolar H, neutral 6-mem planar ...
MASS 23 HGR61 1.00800 ! aromatic H

CG2R61 CG2R61 305.00 1.3750 ! PROT benzene, JES 8/25/89
CG2R61 CG2R66 305.00 1.3700 ! NAMODEL difluorotoluene

- User energy from MLpot (PhysNet) shows 'NaN'.
- None, just 'NaN' in energy output block for 'Euser'
Possible Solution:
- Check if the atomic number list passed to the MLpot module matches with
the atomic numbers in the training data. A mismatch can likely appear
when using ASE to read a .pdb file and returning the atomic numbers
(e.g. 'Z = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()', see line 102 in
'examples/Criegee/'). ASE interpret the atom name as atom
type and names such as 'CA...' for an alpha-carbon can be seen as atom
type calcium 'Ca'.

- ML treated molecule breaks imediatly or quickly at the start of MD simulation
or even unconstrained minimizations.
- ML molecule adopting chemically wrong structure or splits into atoms
Possible Solution:
- In MD simulations, conformations are adopted which are outside the
training samples.
This artifact mostly appears when the ML treated molecule adopts
structures which were not included in the training set. This often
happens for, e.g., ML-MM simulation of ML molecules in MM solution
where different conformation were reached in comparison to gas phase
- In structure optimizations, forces of initial structures are high and
lead to bad conformations.
It also can happend during the structure optimization (MINI) when the
new guess is outside the trained conformation because of a huge
potential (and forces) difference between classical force field and the
ML model potential. Normally, large changes or even jumps between
optimization steps are prevented by method and limited by the keyword
'step real' (default: step 0.02). This was not observed in the case of a
'MINI SD' run, that lead to large jumps in bond lengths (up to 0.5 Ang)
after the first step.
Fix: - lower step parameter, e.g., 'MINI SD STEP 0.001'

Developer Notes

Modified CHARMM c49a2 files:

- energy/energy.F90 - line 394:

use api_func, only: func_call, func_is_set, mlpot_call, mlpot_is_set

- energy/energy.F90 - line 1003-1012:

if (qeterm(user) .and. mlpot_is_set()) then
call mlpot_call(&
eterm(user), &
natom, ntrans, natim, &
x, y, z, &
dx, dy, dz, &
bnbnd%jnb, bnbnd%inblo, &
bimag%imattr, bimag%imjnb, bimag%imblo)
end if

- image/upimag_util.F90 - line 27:

use api_func, only: mlpot_is_set

- image/upimag_util.F90 - line 63-67:


- image/upimag_util.F90 - line 237-362:

! By Kai Toepfer May 2022

- gener/update.F90 - line 60:

use api_func, only: mlpot_update, mlpot_is_set ! Kai Toepfer Jan. 2024

- gener/update.F90 - line 367-376:

! Update ML-ML and ML-MM atom pair lists for MLpot module
! Kai Toepfer, Jan. 2024
if(mlpot_is_set().and.(LNBOND.or.LIMAGE)) then
call mlpot_update( &
natom, ntrans, natim, &
bnbnd%jnb, bnbnd%inblo, &
bimag%imattr, bimag%imjnb, bimag%imblo)

- nbonds/heurist.F90 - line 308:

use api_func, only: mlpot_update, mlpot_is_set ! Kai Toepfer Jan. 2024

- nbonds/heurist.F90 - line 577-587:

! Update ML-ML and ML-MM atom pair lists for MLpot module
! Kai Toepfer, Jan. 2024
if(mlpot_is_set().and.(QDONB.or.QDOIM.or.QDOXT)) then
call mlpot_update( &
natom, ntrans, natim, &
bnbnd%jnb, bnbnd%inblo, &
bimag%imattr, bimag%imjnb, bimag%imblo)
if(prnlev >= 4) write(outu,100) 'MLpot',istep

- api/api_func.F90:

- global variables added
+ function callback_mlpot
+ subroutine mlpot_set_func
+ subroutine mlpot_set_properties
+ subroutine mlpot_unset
+ subroutine mlpot_update
+ subroutine mlpot_call
+ function mlpot_is_set

- api/api_image.F90:

+ function image_get_ucell # <- not needed in the MLpot implementation
+ function image_get_ntrans
+ subroutine image_update_bimag

- api/api_nbonds.F90:

+ function nbonds_get_ctonnb
+ function nbonds_get_ctofnb
+ subroutine nbonds_update_bnbnd

- api/api_psf.F90:

+ function psf_get_nnb
+ subroutine psf_set_charges
+ subroutine psf_get_iblo_inb
+ subroutine psf_set_iblo_inb

Modified PyCHARMM files:

- <- Added

- - line 22:

from .energy_mlpot import MLpot


+ def get_ucell
+ def get_ntrans
+ def update_bimag


+ def get_ctonnb
+ def get_ctofnb
+ def update_bnbnd


+ def get_nnb
+ def set_charge
+ def get_iblo_inb
+ def set_iblo_inb

# Selection by atom number is not required for MLpot, but might be a convenient
# addition.


+ def by_atom_num

- - line 37:

def __init__(self, selection=None,
res_id='', res_name='',
atom_nums=None, #<- line 39
atom_type='', chem_type='',

- - line 67-71:

if not atom_nums is None:
if isinstance(atom_nums, int):

- - line 137-142:

def by_atom_nums(self, atom_nums):
for num in atom_nums:
new_sel = select.or_selection(
self.get_selection(), select.by_num(num))
return self

Developer comments:

- One thing I saw in previous implementation of ANI in PyCHARMM and could be
a great improvement in performance.
When assigning forces to the c_type arrays dx, dy and dz, an immense
improvement in the performance is obtained when the array of the atom force
contribution is converted to a c_type list first (note the reduction to
1-dimensional c_type list). Numpy arrays have already a built-in function for
that: e.g. numpy.array().ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float))
I guess doing it once for the whole list is more effective than doing a type
conversion float32 -> c_long or float64 -> c_double for each force contribution


- At the moment, the potential energy computed by the MLpot module is reported
in the USER energy block. The MLpot energy contains not just the internal
potential energy of the ML atom selection but also the electrostatic
interaction between ML atoms and MM atoms of the central cell and between
ML atoms and MM atoms of the image cells. In later version it would be
advantageous if MLpot returns both energy contributions, ML atom potential
and ML-MM electrostatic potential, separately and that these can be added to
the correct energy contribution ENERgy and ELECtrostatic/IMELECtrostatic.