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usage (c48b2)

How to use CHARMM

The user of CHARMM controls its execution by executing commands
sequentially from a command file or interactivly. In general the ordering
of commands is limited only by the data required by the command.
For example, the energy cannot be calculated unless the arrays holding
the coordinates, the parameters, etc., have already been filled.

This section deals with overall usage, as opposed to the
detailed description of any given command. This is a good place to
start when first learning CHARMM.

* Starting CHARMM | Unix command line arguments.
* CHARMM Size | Configuring CHARMM size.
* Meta-Syntax | Describing the Syntax of Charmm Script Commands.
* Command Syntax | Rules for composing command input files.
* Run Control | Ways to modify control flow and stream switching.
* I/O Units | Correspondence between files and unit numbers.
used by CHARMM.
* AKMA | Units of Measurement used in CHARMM.
* Data Structures | Data Structures used by CHARMM.
* Standard Files | Descriptions of parameters, topologies, and
coordinates available.
* Examples | Sample runs.
* Interface | How to make your own private version of CHARMM.
* Syntactic Glossary | Glossary of syntactic terms.
* Glossary | Glossary of non-syntactic terms.

Starting CHARMM from Unix shell (command line or in a batch script)

$ charmm [arguments] [< input] [>output]

This command assumes that the charmm command is in your
path. If not, give the fully qualified path to charmm. The
square-bracketed arguments are optional but almost always used
for normal runs.

Input and Output:

The charmm executable reads input from standard input and
writes to standard output by default. The charmm input can be
given interactively via the keyboard if no redirect of input
is specified. Input can be redirected using "<" from a file
but should only be done for non-parallel runs. Output can
always be redirected to a file using ">". Alternatively the
arguments "-i filename" or "-input filename" can be used to
specify an input file, and "-o filename" or "-output filename"
can be used to specify an output file.

Command line arguments:
ARGUMENTS may be specified in any order.
Redirection (<, >, or |) must be specified after all arguments.

-h, -help - charmm prints allowed command line arguments and quits

-chsize N - sets arrays to run for maximum atoms of N, an integer
specified by the user here

-prevclcg - runs in mode compatible with previous CLCG

-prevrandom - runs in old random number generator mode

-input file - specifies input file to be read instead of standard input
-i file

-output file - specifies output file to be used instead of standard output
-o file

var=value - sets a scripting variable to be used in the charmm script as
an "@" variable, the same as the "SET" command » miscom .
This argument allows the same charmm script to be used with
different values of @ variables without editing the scripts.

$ charmm
runs charmm interactively, all input comes from
keyboard, all output comes to screen.

$ charmm < myinput.inp
$ charmm -i myinput.inp
runs charmm reading input from a file in the
present working directory, output to screen or
standard output

$ charmm < myinput.inp > chmout.out
$ charmm -i myinput.inp > chmout.out
$ charmm -o chmout.out -i myinput.inp
$ charmm -o chmout.out < myinput.inp
$ charmm -i myinput.inp -o chmout.out
All equivalent, last recommended for parallel runs
runs charmm reading input from a file in the
present working directory, output to screen or
standard output

$ charmm aaa=5 rtffile=top_mine.rtf run=$nrun -prevrandom < myinput.inp

runs charmm, reads from myinput.inp, writes to
standard output. Sets three variables as if the
first lines in the charmm script were (where the
shell or environment variable nrun is 33):

set aaa 5
set rtffile top_mine.rtf
set run 33

$ charmm -chsize 500000 -input myinput.inp

runs charmm, reads from myinput.inp, writes to
standard output. Sets size of charmm arrays to hold
500,000 atoms as if the first line in the charmm
script was:

dimension chsize 500000

Configuring CHARMM Array Sizes

When running CHARMM, sizes of certain arrays need to be made large
enough to accommodate the system to study. There are two ways of doing
this, 1) at runtime, and 2) enabling automatic array resizing when
compiling CHARMM.

1) Configuring arrays at runtime:

CHARMM c36b1 and beyond allows the user to configure the size of
many key arrays in CHARMM at run-time using a CHARMM script level command
as the FIRST command following the script title. Like the command line
option -chsize <integer>, the script level commands let you configure
working on. The command key for resizing CHARMM arrays is DIMEnsion or
RESIze, both are recognized, followed by the particular data structure size
you wish to change. The command is of the form:

dimension dsize-1 <size-1> [dsize-2 <size-2> ...]


resize dsize-1 <size-1> [dsize-2 <size-2> ...]

where the following data structure size names are recognized

Data Structure Size

chsize This is a master size that proportions all CHARMM
data structures
maxa (chsize) This controls the maximum number of atoms
maxb (chsize) Maximum number of bonds
maxt (chsize*2) Maximum number of angles
maxp (chsize*3) Maximum number of proper dihedral angles
maximp (chsize/2) Maximum number of improper dihedral angles
maxnb (chsize/4) Maximum number of nonbond fixes
maxpad (chsize) Maximum number of acceptors and donors
maxres (chsize/3) Maximum number of residues
maxseg (chsize/8) Maximum numebr of segments
maxcrt (chsize/3) Maximum number of CMAP dihedrals
maxshk (chsize) Maximum number of SHAKE constraints
maxaim (chsize*2) Maximum number of atoms including images
maxgrp (chsize*2/3) Maximum number of groups
maxnbf (chsize/360) Maximum number of non-bond fixes
maxitc (chsize/360) Maximum number of atom type codes


1) Configure all of CHARMM to accommodate 10,000 atoms

dimension chsize 10000

2) Configure the maximum number of atoms to be 10,000 and the maximum number of
dihedrals and impropers to be very small (say 10)

dimension maxa 10000 maxp 10 maximp 10

NOTE: The remaining arrays/data structures will be configured according to the
default chsize used in the CHARMM build, e.g., small, medium, large, xlarge, etc.

2) RESIZE: Automatic array resizing.

Available from CHARMM c47a2. To enable this feature, add the
'RESIZE' keyword when configuring CHARMM for compilation (e.g., 'configure
-a RESIZE ...'). Other than compiling with RESIZE, no user input is needed
at runtime (Note: the RESIZE compile keyword is unrelated to the RESIze
command used in the script).

With RESIZE, array sizes are adjusted automatically when structures
are read, built, or modified. Also, invoking ENERgy, HBONd, NBONd, or
UPDAte commands trigger array resizing to make room for image atoms. Since
-chsize at runtime usually requires a number larger than the number of
atoms in the system, and other array sizes are proportional to it, arrays
tend to have sizes larger than necessary. Although assigning sizes of
individual arrays in the script using the DIMEnsion command reduces
spurious memory allocation, estimating individual array sizes in advance is
difficult and it cannot be changed in the middle of the run. Automatic
resizing avoids this issue, which results in generally a smaller memory
footprint of CHARMM during runtime.

When -chsize is used at runtime (with RESIZE compiled in),
automatically adjusted arrays are not affected. As of CHARMM c47a2, since
not all arrays are made to be resized, providing a very small -chsize, or
no -chsize for very large systems may result in an error. In such a case, a
larger -chsize should be provided, but a smaller value (e.g., a value
slightly smaller than the number of atoms in the system) can be used
compared to the case when CHARMM is compiled without RESIZE. Trying
different values of -chsize and choosing a small value that does not lead
to an error can further reduce the runtime memory since arrays that are not
automatically resized can be made small.

Performance: There are two opposing effects affecting the
performance of CHARMM with RESIZE. On one hand, resizing (reallocating)
arrays costs time. On the other hand, using smaller arrays allows faster
access. Overall, there is a slight speed gain, by about 1-2% (based on
comparing the total time it takes to run testcases) compared to the case
without RESIZE. Thus, the benefit of using RESIZE is mainly in memory
usage rather than in speed.

Rules for Describing the Syntax (The Meta-Syntax)

The syntax of commands is described using the following rules:
Capitalized words are keywords that must be specified as is. However, if
the word is partially capitalized, it may be abbreviated to the
capitalized part. Lower case words are to be replaced by a corresponding
data entry. The symbol "::=" means "has the following syntactic form:".
Anything enclosed in square brackets, "[]", is optional. If several
things are stacked in square brackets, one may choose one optionally.
Anything enclosed in curly brackets, "{}", specifies that a selection
must be made of the choices stacked vertically inside. The syntactic
entities which appear as an argument to "repeat" may be repeated any
number (including zero) times. Defaults for optional parameters may be
enclosed in apostrophes and placed under the entity they stand for.
However, defaults are not specified in this manner if the rules for the
default are complex.

The syntactic glossary, glossary: Syntactic Glossary,
contains further syntactic entities which are used in the command
descriptions. Finally, the options and operands in each command can
usually be specified in any order except if otherwise noted.

Command language rules and lore

A CHARMM run is controlled by a command file (or files).
This section of the documentation describes the basic rules for
the command file. Details of command level run control are described
in the next node.

A command file for CHARMM should begin with a specification of
the title of the run. (See the syntactic glossary, *note syn: syntactic
glossary, for the syntax of a title.) Then, any number of commands may
be specified.

Each command consists of a command line possibly followed by
other data. The command line is scanned free field. This command line
may be longer than one line in the file; to do this, one must place a
hyphen at the end of line which is to be continued on the next line.
Comments may be placed on a command line by preceding the comments by
exclamation points. All lower case characters are converted to upper
case. This format is identical to that used by the VAX command language
interpreter. In addition, blank lines are permitted to separate blocks
of commands for increased readability.

The first word of every command line specifies the command.
Generally, required operands of a command must follow in order.
On the other hand, options may generally be specified in any
order. Further, any number is always preceded by a key word so that any
numeric operands, can be placed in arbitrary order.

The command line is scanned in units of words and delimited
strings. A word is defined by a sequence of non-blank characters, A
delimited string consists of a keyword followed by a string of
characters of variable length followed by a delimiter string.
One example of where a delimeter string is used is in atom selection
where the syntax is; SELE ...... END. Note, that the "END" is required and
delimits the atom selection.

Abbreviations are permitted in various contexts. The first word
may be abbreviated to four characters and numerous options and operands
may also be abbreviated to four characters. However, some key words which
are used to mark numbers may not be abbreviated. See the processing for
individual commands to see what can and cannot be abbreviated.

Many of the various options and numeric values are maintained
from one invocation of a command to the next. Once a value is specified,
it is maintained until it is changed in any command. Therefore, if CUTNB
is specified in a NBON command, that value will be used in the DYNA
command unless it is changed therein.

Usually, when a free field command line is read in, it is
echoed onto a standard output. Each such echo will be prepended by a short
marker, eg. "CHARMM>", which identifies the line of input as well as the
command processor which is interpreting it.

In general, as each of the command is interpreted, it is deleted
from the command line. When command processing is finished, a check is
made to see that nothing is left over. The presence of extraneous junk
indicates that something was mistyped. For some commands, such as DYNAmics,
where a mistake may be costly, extraneous characters result in a fatal

Controlling a CHARMM Run

The sizes of arrays can now be dynamically defined at program startup, instead
of having to recompile. The charmm-size (chsize) is no longer limited to the
compile time flag of MEDIUM, LARGE, XLARGE, etc., and can be changed either via
the command line (see above) or the DIMEnsion command, which **MUST** be the
first command in the input file. Otherwise, the compile time limit is used.
Other arrays may also be specified;» dimens

DIMEsion chsize <number of atoms> ! max number of atoms for this run

Control Logic

IF command-parameter test-spec comparison-string command-spec

GOTO label-string

LABEL label-string

STREAM [UNIT integer]


SET command-parameter string

INCRement command-parameter [BY real]

DECRement command-parameter [BY real]

» miscom

These commands that are used to modify the usual sequential
interpretation of commands from the command file. Three methods are
available to accomplish this:

IF tests to conditionally execute a single command
GOTO and LABEL transfers within a file
STREAM and RETURN transfers to different command files.

In addition commands can be modified by the use of command parameters.
The command line reader scans input lines for parameters (specified by
@n where n is an alphanumeric character) and will subsitute the
appropriate parameter string. Command parameters are defined using
the SET command to set one of the 36 command parameters, and their
values (if numeric) can be modified by the INCRement command, which
decodes the parameter string, does real arithmetic and encodes the
result. The command parameters are identified by alphanumeric
characters (0-9,A(a)-Z(z)(not case-sensitive)).

IF compares the string in the specified parameter string
to the comparison-string using the test-spec (GT GE EQ NE LE LT).
If the comparison is true then the rest of the command line is
executed (otherwise it is ignored). The EQ and NE comparisons are
done as string comparisons, but the others require decoding of the
two strings and comparison by real arithmetic. The command-spec
can be any valid command line (including another IF test or
a GOTO or STREAM specification).

GOTO causes the current command file to be rewound and
searched for a line containing the correct LABEL and label-string.
The label-string is a single word. If multiple occurrences of a
label are present, the first will be used. Command interpretation
begins on the line following the LABEL (any information after the
LABEL keyword and label-string is ignored).

STREAM iunit begins reading commands from the specified
fortran logical unit or from the stream file. The stream file is
treated exactly as the main command file. It begins with a title and
ends with a STOP or RETURN, the latter causing control to return to
the previously active command file at the point where the stream
switch occurred.

The logical unit in OPEN, CLOSE, and REWIND commands are
useful in working with streams see » miscom


* This is a sample command file for CHARMM which calls a stream file
* to build a structure and then maps out an adiabatic potential
* surface defined by a pair of dihedrals

OPEN UNIT 10 READ FORM NAME makestruc.inp
SET 1 -180.
SET 2 -180.
CONS DIHE first-dihedral-angle-spec FORCE 100.0 MIN @1
CONS DIHE second-dihedral-angle-spec FORCE 100.0 MIN @2
MINI minimization-spec
INCR 1 BY 30.0
SET 1 -180.
INCR 2 BY 30.0

Fortran I/O Units Usage by CHARMM

In order to keep CHARMM as machine independent as possible, all
specification of files is done through Fortran unit numbers. Two unit
numbers have special signifigance, 5 and 6. Unit 5 is the command file
interpreted by CHARMM. Unit 6 is the output file for all printed
messages. As commands are read from unit 5, they are echoed on unit 6.
All other unit numbers have no predefined meaning. The CHARMM OPEN
command may be used to assign files to units.

The stream file in "STREAM file-specfication" may be assigned
to a logical unit between 100 and 119 (80 and 99 on Cray machines).
Logical unit 0 through 9 may be used for CHARMM internal file
handling. We recommend logical units 10 through 79 for user data

The CHARMM system of units: AKMA.

CHARMM uses a distinct system of units, the AKMA system. I.e.
Angstroms, Kilocalories/Mole, Atomic mass units. All distances are
measured in Angstroms, energies in kcal/mole, mass in atomic mass units,
and charge is in units of electron charge. Using this system, the AMKA
unit of time is 4.888821E-14 seconds (based on the constants tabulated
in Abramowitz and Stegun (1970)), however, for all input and output,
the time is listed in picoseconds (20 AKMA time units is .978 picoseconds).
In some places, the users may specify values in AKMA time units, and
in some places both picosecond and AKMA time are output.

Angles are given in degrees for the analysis and constraint
sections. In parameter files, the minimum positions of angles are
specified in degrees, but the force constants for angles, dihedrals, and
dihedral constraints are specified in kcal/mole/radian/radian.

Any numbers used in the documentation may be assumed to be in
AKMA units unless otherwise noted.

Data Structures You Should Understand

There are a number of data structures that CHARMM manipulates.
Many of these data structures are important for most operations; others
which are less important, are described with the commands that use them.
Much more specific information is available in the various common blocks
whose extension is .fcm in the source directory, ~/charmm/source/fcm

The important data structures are given below: Each data
structure name is followed by its abbreviation which is used as its name
in commands.

1) Residue Topology File (RTF)
The residue topology file stores the definitions of all
residues. The atoms, atomic properties, bonds, bond angles,
torsion angles, improper torsion angles, hydrogen bond donors
and acceptors and antecedents, and non-bonded exclusions are
all specified on a per residue basis. The term "residue" is
somewhat historical, but can be any basic unit.

2) The Parameters (PARA or PARM)
The parameters specify the force constants, equilibrium
geometries, van der Waals radii, and other such data needed
for calculating the energy.

3) Structure File (PSF)
The structure file is the concatenation of
information in the RTF. It specifies the information for the
entire structure. It has a hierarchical organization wherein
atoms are grouped into residues which are grouped into
segments which comprise the structure. Each atom is uniquely
identified within a residue by its IUPAC name, residue
identifier, and its segment identifier. Identifiers may be up
to 4 characters in length.

4) The Internal Coordinates (IC)
The internal coordinates data structure contains information
concerning the relative positions of atoms within a structure.
This data structure is most commonly used to build or modify
cartesian coordinates from known or desired internal coordinate
values. It is also used in conjunction with the analysis of
normal modes. Since there are complete editing facilities,
it can be used as a simple but powerful method of examining
or analyzing structures.

5) The Coordinates (COOR)
The coordinates are the Cartesian coordinates for all the
atoms in the PSF. There are two sets of coordinates provided.
The main set is the default used for all operations involving
the positions of the atoms. A comparison set (also called the
reference set) is provided for a variety of purposes, such as
a reference for rotation or operations which involve
differences between coordinates for a particular molecule.
Associated with each coordinate set is a general purpose
weighting array (one element for each atom).

6) The Non-bonded List (NBON)
The non-bonded list contains the list of non-bonded
interactions to be used in calculating the energies as well
as optional information about the charge, dipole moment, and
quadrapole moments of the residues. This data structure
depends on the coordinates for its construction and must be
periodically updated if the coordinates are being modified.

7) The Hydrogen Bond List (HBON)
The hydrogen bond list contains the list of hydrogen bonds.
Like the non-bonded list, this data structure depends on the
coordinates and must be periodically updated.

8) The Constraints (CONS)
There is a variety of available constraints. All data pertaining
to constraints reside in this data structure.

9) The Images data structure (IMAGES)
The images data structure determines and defines the relative
positions and orientations of any symmetric image of the primary
molecule(s). The purpose of this data structure is to allow
the simulation of crystal symmetry or the use of periodic
boundary conditions. Also contined in this data structure is
information concerning all nonbonded, H-bonds, and bonded
interactions between primary and image atoms.

Files available for general use

There are number of residue topology files, parameter files,
coordinates files and files of other data structures available. The most
important files generally available are residue topology and parameter
files. Both such classes of files are stored for general use in the
CnnPT: directories. The file names used for both these files
consists of an alphabetic part followed by a number, e.g. PARAM7.
There are two copies of each file; one with extension, .INP, which is a
character files used as an command file to generate the binary file,
with extension, .MOD. The .INP is meant for human eyes; the .MOD files
is meant for CHARMM to read efficiently. The numeric part of each name
is its version number. In general, one should use the highest version
number of a file.

Although parameter files and toplogy files are separate,
they are usually associated, and they must be taken together when
generating a structure (PSF). For example, a parameter set for proteins
will not work with a DNA topology file.

For information on the general use of directories, and the files
they contain, see the following sections.

* parmfile: Description of all the parameter files
* rtop: Description of the topology files (RTF)

Sample CHARMM Runs

For an example of specification of a CHARMM run, examine a
test case in ~/charmm/test. The file, TEST.INP, is an input to
The file, TEST.OUT, contains the output from CHARMM produced on Fortran
unit 6. Other test cases are found in the test directory.

File:Usage, Node: Interface, Up: Top, Next: Syntactic Glossary, Previous:Examples

Interfacing to CHARMM

A mechanism has been provided to allow users of the
incorporated into the system without threatening its integrity.

There are six "hooks" into the CHARMM which have been
specially provided for casual modifiers. For detailed descriptions of
each of these hooks, consult the routine in


The USER command invokes the subroutine, USERSB, and performs
no other action. USERSB is a subroutine with no arguments. However,
parameters may be passed to this subroutine via modules.
These modules store nearly all of the systems data. These modules should be
created in the source directories for the version of the program you are using.


A user supplied energy routine may be provided that will be
invoked on every energy evaluation. The force arrays should be
modified accordingly.


If one need to be able to select atoms in a manner not
possible with the existing options, a user selection routine
may be specified. One such example would be for for selecting atoms
within a given rectangular solid, or other (nonsperical) solid.


Within VIBRAN, a user specified vector or mode may be
generated with this routine. One command that appends this motion
onto the existing set of vectors is "EDIT INCL USER integer".


A user specified parameter fitting routine may be specified.


A user specified time series routine may be provied for use in
computing correlation functions.

#_OLD ???? mfc
#_OLD ???? mfc To simplify the use of these hooks and to allow users to replace
#_OLD ???? mfc subprograms in the CHARMM with their own versions of said
#_OLD ???? mfc subprograms, the command procedure BUILD has been provided. BUILD
#_OLD ???? mfc will produce a private version of the CHARMM in your default USER
#_OLD ???? mfc directory using your versions of USERSB and USERE. The procedure
#_OLD ???? mfc looks in your directory for USERSB.SRC and USERE.SRC. If either file
#_OLD ???? mfc (or both) is found, it is used in the make procedure of the CHARMM.
#_OLD ???? mfc
#_OLD ???? mfc BUILD command should always be used to generate a private
#_OLD ???? mfc version of the CHARMM as it will always use the correct files for
#_OLD ???? mfc linking.
#_OLD ???? mfc
Before attempting to write your own USER functions, you should
familiarize yourself with the information available onthe
implementation of CHARMM.

This interface procedure is designed for short, one time
programs. If a user written subroutine is of general use, the routine
should be rewritten to conform to parameter passing standards used in the
system and then will be incorporated into the central CHARMM.

There are several utility routines available to a user routine.
Some of them are listed below.

CALL GETE(X,Y,Z,...) will cause the energy and forces to be
computed and values are saved appropriately. For
this to work properly, NBONDS, HBONDS, and CODES must have been called.
This can be done by executing both the NBONds and HBONds command,
by the use of the UPDAte command, or by having previously found the
energy (minimization, dynamics, etc..).

CALL PRINTE(...) will write the current energy
values (from common block values) to the specified unit (IUNIT).
It will also write out the cycle or iteration number and optionally
write out the standard header.

File:Usage, Node:Syntactic Glossary, Up:Top, Next:Glossary, Previous: Interface

Glossary of Syntactic Terms

char A character

del The delimiter - a single character which is used to mark
the end of a portion of a command. Initially, it is a
dollar sign but can be changed using the DELIM command,
see » miscom It should be
noted that the delimiter cannot be a character within
any string it is supposed to delimit.

deldel Two delimiters concatened together with no space in between.

int or integer An integer

iupac IUPAC name for an atom. Initially specified in the
residue topology file.

keyword A word, see below, serving to identify some option

range equivalent to real real integer. The first real is the
minimum value in the range, the second number is the
maximum value in the range, and the third number gives
the number of interval, i.e. lines or columns.

real A real number. No decimal point is required for the
number to be interpreted correctly

resid Residue identifier (a string of upto 4 characters)

resname Residue name (type of residue. e.g. GUA)

segid Segment identifier (a string of upto 4 characters)

string An ordered set of characters

tag A string which is a tag, i.e. no embedded spaces.

title A series of 1 to 32 lines of text (max 80 characters per line)
each starting with a "*". The title is terminated by a
line which an asterisk "*" as the first character.
Used for commenting files.

word A string with no blanks

unit-number An integer which is a Fortran unit number.

General Glossary

data structure A collection of arrays, scalars, and possibly other
data structures which are related by part of a larger
entity. For example, a coordinate set is a data
structure which hold the three dimensional positions of
atoms. This data structure consists of 1 scalar and
three arrays. The scalar is the number of coordinates;
the three arrays are the X, Y, and Z components of the

Internal bonds, angles, torsions, improper torsions.
coordinates Also, a data structure used for constructing coordinates.

Iupac Name for The name of an atom with a residue. This name should be
an atom unique within a residue and should conform to the IUPAC
nomenclature, Biochemistry 9:3471 (1970)

Hbonds hydrogen bonds

Parameters constants in the energy expression ( force constants,
minima of energy surfaces, charges, Lennard-Jones
parameters, van der Waals radii, etc.)

PSF structure file ( protein structure file ) :
a list of the internal coordinates and related information

Residue A string of four characters or less which uniquely specifies
Identifier residue with in a segment. This value is currently set by
CHARMM to be the character representation of the residue
number in the segment starting from the first real monomer
unit in it.

RTF residue topology file : a list of standard internal
coordinates, atom charges, atom types,
excluded non-bonded interactions, etc.

Segment A string of up to four characters uniquely designating
Identifier a segment. Specified in the GENErate command, see
» struct Generate.

Sequence list of residues