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triakern (c48b2)

Triatomic Kernel Module*

Marco Pezzella
Debasish Koner
Kai Töpfer
Markus Meuwly

TRIAKERN provides additional potential forms for three atomic systems, beside
the usual bond/bond/bending potentials provided in CHARMM. The main purpose of
this module is to provide high-accuracy intramolecular potentials that
reproducing kernels can achieve. The module substitutes the potentials
involved, defined in the PSF file, with a new three body term. The module is
intended to be used for spectroscopic purposes and, in case of single reference potentials, for reactive dynamics.
TRIAKERN is invoked using the TKRN keyword.

[1] Oliver T. Unke and Markus Meuwly, J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2017, 57, 8,
[2] Seyedeh Maryam Salehi, Debasish Koner and Markus Meuwly, J. Phys. Chem. B,
2019, 123, 15, 3282-3290.
[3] Debasish Koner, Juan Carlos San Vicente Veliz, Ad van der Avoird, and
Markus Meuwly, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 24976-24983

Syntax :: Syntax of the TRIAKERN module.
Description :: A brief description of the module commands and how it works.
How to build the grid :: Brief description of how to build a grid.
Example :: Energy conservation for the He--H2 complex from Reference [3]

!---------------------------------- Syntax -----------------------------------!

TKRN { ACTIvate [ {csvfile} STR ] [ {k1} INT ] [ {k2} INT ] [ {k3} INT ]
[ {coortype} STR ] unit-conversion 3x atom selection }

unit-conversion::= [BOHR] [PCNV real] [HARTree] [KJMOl] [EVOLt] [ECNV real]

Description of the TRIAKERN module.

ACTI - Will activate the module, substituting the interactions between the
three atoms with the ones implemented in CHARMM.

CLEA - Removes all the interactions introduced by the ACTI command.

unit-conversion - Provide options to convert between Kernel potential
units and CHARMMs AKMA units.

3x atom selection - Selection of atom(s) 1, 2 and 3, respectively.

!-------------------------------- Description --------------------------------!

The command 'TRKN ACTI' must be followed by a string label of the external
.csv file (csvfile) name without file extension, 3 integer number for the
kernel type function and a 4 letter label for the coordinate grid. The order
for the definition of the atom selection or unit conversion parameter in
the input command is then arbitrary. The command will replace the bond and
angle potential contribution with a Kernel potential. That means that the
respective bond and angle parameter do not have to be set to zero. The
Kernel potential contribution is added to the bond energy part 'EBOND' as the
split of a 3-atomic potential into bond and angle contribution is

The external .csv file contains an ordered three dimensional grid of
coordinates and energies, see the "How to build the grid" section. This file
is defined without its file extension (e.g. if called 'pes1.csv' just input
'pes1') and is expected to be given in a .csv format with extension .csv or
direct as RKHS kernel file of the same name but with file extension .kernel
(e.g 'pes1.kernel').
The routine checks for the existence of a .kernel file with the specified
name. If it does not exist, it will look for the ".csv" file and create a new
.kernel file.

{k1}, {k2}, {k3}:
Next are 3 integer numbers describing the kernel coordinate type function
for each of the 3 degrees of freedom (e.g. '0 0 16', see table for available
kernel types and integer number below or in For additional
technical details, see Reference [1].

Kernel number -> Kernel type
0 -> Reciprocal Power N2 M6 Kernel
1 -> Reciprocal Power N3 M6 Kernel
2 -> Reciprocal Power N2 M5 Kernel
3 -> Reciprocal Power N3 M5 Kernel
4 -> Reciprocal Power N2 M4 Kernel
5 -> Reciprocal Power N3 M4 Kernel
6 -> Reciprocal Power N2 M3 Kernel
7 -> Reciprocal Power N3 M3 Kernel
8 -> Reciprocal Power N2 M2 Kernel
9 -> Reciprocal Power N3 M2 Kernel
10 -> Reciprocal Power N2 M1 Kernel
11 -> Reciprocal Power N3 M1 Kernel
12 -> Reciprocal Power N2 M0 Kernel
13 -> Reciprocal Power N3 M0 Kernel
14 -> Exponential Decay N2 Kernel
15 -> Exponential Decay N3 Kernel
16 -> Taylor Spline N2 Kernel
17 -> Taylor Spline N3 Kernel
18 -> Laplacian Kernel
19 -> Bernoulli N2 Kernel

Next is a 4 letter label of the coordinate type of the grid (e.g.
'jdrt' for Jacobi coordinates (j) with the order distance atom 1 to 2
(d, usually labelled r), distance center of mass atom 1,2 to atom 3 (r,
usually labelled R but capitalisation is ignored in CHARMM/Fortran) and
angle theta between vector d and r). The following grid types are predefined:

'iddd' or 'i123' or 'int2':
Internal coordinates expressed by the three interatomic distance in
the order distance atom 1 to 2, distance atom 2 to 3 and distance
atom 3 to 1. Note, the atom order is defined by the atom selection part
of the input line.
Internal Jacobi coordinates expressed by atom distance 1 to 2 (d),
distance center of mass of atom distance 1,2 to atom 3 (r) and the
angle theta between the respective vectors d, r in a z-representation
defined by z = (1 - cos(theta))/2.
'jzrd' or 'jaco':
Internal Jacobi coordinates expressed as in 'jdrz' but with the order
z, r, d.
Internal Jacobi coordinates such as 'jdrz' but with angle theta (t)
between d and r expressed as angle in radian (order d, r, t).
Internal Jacobi coordinates such as 'jzrd' but with angle theta (t)
between d and r expressed as angle in radian (order t, r, d).
Internal Radau coordinates expressed by atom distances between the
atoms 2 to 1 (d1) and atoms 2 to 3 (d2), and the angle theta between
the respective vectors d1 and d2 in a z-representation defined by
z = (1 - cos(theta))/2.
'rzdd' or 'int1':
Internal Radau coordinates expressed as in rddz but with the order
z, d1, d2.
Internal Radau coordinates such as 'rddz' but with angle theta (t)
between d1 and d2 expressed as angle in radian (order d1, d2, t).
Internal Radau coordinates such as 'rzdd' but with angle theta (t)
between d1 and d2 expressed as angle in radian (order t, d1, d2).
Customizable coordinate system subroutine.

atom selection:
The atom selection defines either 3 single atoms or 3 sets of atoms that
defines for one Kernel potential or multiple Kernel potentials the atoms in the
order 1, 2 and 3.
E.g., if the atom selection is just one atom each (e.g. 'sele bynum 1 end sele
bynum 2 end sele bynum 3 end'), it will replace the bond and angle potential
between the 3 atoms with a Kernel potential but only if an angle between these
3 atoms is defined in any arbitrary order (e.g. 1-2-3 or 2-3-1). If multiple
angles including the selected atoms are defined, only one Kernel potential is
applied (redundancy check within the module) but all angle and bond potential
contribution are still deactivated.
If the atom selection includes multiple angles (e.g. 'sele type OH2 end sele
type H1 end sele type H2 end'), there will Kernel potentials applied for all
angles containing exactly one atom of the atom sets 1, 2 and 3 but in any
arbitrary order.
To check the intended definition of triatomic Kernel potentials, if the input
file is run at a print level 'prnlvl' >= 5, the output will print a list
of all defined Kernel potentials including atom indices.

The unit conversion options can be used to adjust the units used for the
coordinate grid and energy in the .csv file and the AKMA units used by CHARMM.
This option should eliminate the need of changing a source .csv file to match
the CHARMM unit requirements.
If distances in the .csv file are defined in Angstrom, no unit conversion
options for the coordinates are required, but if they are defined in Bohr,
the option 'BOHR' will convert the coordinate input from CHARMM to Bohr and
also convert the computed forces back. In other cases, the option 'PCNV real'
defines a conversion factor applied to convert position (and forces) from
Angstrom to the spatial unit in the .csv file (e.g. for Bohr 'PCNV 1.8897').
If both options are specified, the last option defined is used.
If the energy in the .csv file are defined in kcal/mol, no unit conversion
options for the energy is needed. Otherwise, the options 'HART', 'KJMO' or
'EVOL' instruct an energy (and force) conversion from Hartree, kJ/mol or eV,
respectively, to kcal/mol (and kcal/mol/Angstrom). A custom energy conversion
factor can be defined by 'ECNV real' (e.g. from Hartree to kcal/mol with
'ECNV 627.509'). If multiple options are specified, the last option defined is

The command 'TKRN CLEA' deactivate the Kernel potential contributions.
However, the default CHARMM energy is not restored until the next setup of the
bond and angle arrays. This should be executed at each start of a method such
as dynamics, but should be carefully checked.

No compatibility issues with of the TRIAKERN module wit other modules in CHARMM
are observed. However, it does not support other potential manipulation modules
such as the BLOCK module.

!---------------------------- How to build a grid ----------------------------!

1 - For a representative number of points of the potential energy surface,
perform a set of ab initio calculations along the three dimensions of your
chosen coordinate system a, b and c (e.g., Jacobi r, R, theta or Radau r1, r2,

2 - Save the coordinates and the energies, in increasing order of a, b, c in
a .csv file with N, M and K are the number of point for each coordinate,
respectively. Please refer to the previous section kernel coordinate type for
each coordinate set.


3 - It is recommended for a good Kernel potential accuracy with respect to the
reference energies, that the zero line of the potential energies E_ref are
shifted to the desired asymptote E_asympt by E_ref - E_asympt, such that E(r_asympt)=0. The asymptote should be the full atomization (or full
dissociation) energy of the 3-atomic system, because the Kernel function
decays to zero for coordinates outside the definition range (especially
important for reactive potentials). Another motivation is to avoid a Kernel
energy contribution with such a large absolute number that it lead to artifacts
in displaying the energies in the output.

!---------------------------------- Example ----------------------------------!


The Kernel from Reference [2], expressed in 'int1', is used to run an energy
minimization. Test First is then invoked to check if the difference between the
analytical and numerical gradient is consistent within the sixth decimal place.

Activation command for HeH2 with a heh2.csv file in Angstrom and kcal/mol:
TKRN acti heh2 16 4 4 int1 -
sele bynum 1 end -
sele bynum 2 end -
sele bynum 3 end


Test script for multiple different ways to activate the triakern module
for different residues (SCN anion and water) in an aqueous KSCN solution.
The script includes an optional minimization, heating, equilibration and
NVE simulation step.

Activation command for 75 SCN anions with a rkhs_scn_jdrz.csv file in Bohr and

Option 1:
set n 1
label loop_trkn_scn

TKRN ACTI rkhs_scn_jdrz 0 0 16 jdrz -
ecnv 627.5094738898777 pcnv 1.8897261258369282 -
sele resid @n .and. resname SCN .and. type N3C end - ! 1 atom selected
sele resid @n .and. resname SCN .and. type C3N end - ! 1 atom selected
sele resid @n .and. resname SCN .and. type S end ! 1 atom selected

increase n by 1
if n le 75 goto loop_trkn_scn

Option 2 (recommended):
TKRN ACTI rkhs_scn_jdrz 0 0 16 jdrz -
hartree bohr -
sele resname SCN .and. type N3C end - ! 75 atoms selected
sele resname SCN .and. type C3N end - ! 75 atoms selected
sele resname SCN .and. type S end ! 75 atoms selected

Activation command for TIP3P water residues with a rkhs_water_rddz.csv file in
Bohr and Hartree:
TKRN ACTI rkhs_water_rddz 0 0 16 rddz -
hartree bohr -
sele resname TIP3 .and. type H1 end -
sele resname TIP3 .and. type OH2 end -
sele resname TIP3 .and. type H2 end


Test script for a -SCN ligand bonded to a methyl group. The energy and forces
of the SCN ligand are computed by the triakern module and the methyl group as
well as the bond, angle and dihedral energy between methyl and -SCN atoms are
computed by CGenFF.
The script includes an optional minimization, heating, equilibration and NVE
simulation step.

Activation command for -SCN label with a scnlig.csv file in Bohr and Hartree:
TKRN acti scnlig 16 0 0 jzrd -
hartree bohr -
sele resname LIG .and. type N end -
sele resname LIG .and. type C2 end -
sele resname LIG .and. type S end

!---------------------------------- CHANGES ----------------------------------!

- Complete overhaul of the triakern module, but still backwards compatible.

- line 524 to 538 - Comment about the effect if ICB and ICT elements of the
respective bonds and angle are set to zero in the CODES subroutine.
Adding the call for the tria_kern_update subroutine if qkern is set true
that set the respective elements in ICB and ICT zero to deactivate the
respective bond and angle potential contribution.