graphx (c44b2)
Graphics is a subparser of charmm, invoked by via the GRAPH command.
All of the miscellaneous commands » miscom , coordinate commands
» corman , and internal coordinate commands » intcor are
available from the GRAPHX> prompt. Only the 1st three characters are
used for primary graphics commands, but many of the options require
the 1st four characters.
The graphics facility has been extended to provide general X11
support, and the original Apollo GPR screen display has been dropped;
a NODISPLAY version can also be built, which will generate all of the
derived files. The other major enhancement is the production of
PostScript output files, in either color or grayscale; both X11 and
PostScript use the Apollo imaging model. Additional information on X11
usage tips and compiling for X11 are given at the end of this document.
Finally, a recent addition is the production of input files for POV-Ray,
an excellent freeware ray tracing package for making high quality
molecular images. See
Option keywords are indicated by the use of upper case; lower
case terms are variable values, generally real numbers, but decimal
points are not required. Triplets ( x y z ) are position dependent;
omitted values are assumed to be zero. Items enclosed in square
brackets are [optional] but their absence often implies a default
choice. Default choices are indicated with an asterisk (*) in syntax
listings where apropriate.
* Summary | Syntax and Command Summary
* Description | Detailed Command Description with Examples
* Output | PostScript, FDAT, LIGHT, and POV-Ray file formats
* Addendum | X11 Usage and Compiling Tips, Other Useful Programs
Graphics is a subparser of charmm, invoked by via the GRAPH command.
All of the miscellaneous commands » miscom , coordinate commands
» corman , and internal coordinate commands » intcor are
available from the GRAPHX> prompt. Only the 1st three characters are
used for primary graphics commands, but many of the options require
the 1st four characters.
The graphics facility has been extended to provide general X11
support, and the original Apollo GPR screen display has been dropped;
a NODISPLAY version can also be built, which will generate all of the
derived files. The other major enhancement is the production of
PostScript output files, in either color or grayscale; both X11 and
PostScript use the Apollo imaging model. Additional information on X11
usage tips and compiling for X11 are given at the end of this document.
Finally, a recent addition is the production of input files for POV-Ray,
an excellent freeware ray tracing package for making high quality
molecular images. See
Option keywords are indicated by the use of upper case; lower
case terms are variable values, generally real numbers, but decimal
points are not required. Triplets ( x y z ) are position dependent;
omitted values are assumed to be zero. Items enclosed in square
brackets are [optional] but their absence often implies a default
choice. Default choices are indicated with an asterisk (*) in syntax
listings where apropriate.
* Summary | Syntax and Command Summary
* Description | Detailed Command Description with Examples
* Output | PostScript, FDAT, LIGHT, and POV-Ray file formats
* Addendum | X11 Usage and Compiling Tips, Other Useful Programs
Initializing, exiting:
GRAPhx [XXSZ iwidth] [XYSZ iheight] [ NVERtex integer ]
OFF :: disable all graphics and exit (see END, below).
END :: exit from command parser only; preserve window
RESet :: revert to default view, scale
DEFault-colors :: revert to default colors
HELp :: provides a command listing
Available within the graphics subcommand parser:
miscellaneous-command-spec ! see » miscom
IC ic-subcommand-spec ! see » intcor
COOR coor-subcommand-spec ! see » corman
TRAJ traj-subcommand-spec ! see » dynamc
These commands affect what is viewed:
DRAw [atom-selection] :: change displayed atoms, force a redraw
DISplay [ON]* [MAIN]* [COMP] [BOND]* [VECT] [ATOM] [TEXT] -
[HBONds] [LABEls] [AXES] :: change displayed objects
COLor color-name [brightfactor] [COMP] atom-selection
[ LEVel izcue-level ]
color-name = NONE RED BLACk YELLow GREEn WHITe
PURPle TURQuoise CHARtreuse DKBLue
(or an integer from 0 to 15)
izcue-level = an integer from 0 to 11; 0 == brightest, 11 == dimmest
HBStyle [COLOR color-name] [WIDTH iwidth] [DASH idash] :: HBOND style
LBL label-type label-atoms SIZE label-size COLOr label-color
USER user-label
label-atoms = FIRSt and/or atom-selection
label-size = VSMAll SMALl MEDIum LARGe default: SMALL
label-color = color-name ( see COLOR command above ... ) default: YELLOW
user-label = up to 8 characters
LINe iwidth :: bonds or vectors; pixels
RADii [DEFaults] [PARam] atom-scale [bond-scale] atom-sel
AXEs [XLIM xmin xmax] [YLIM ymin ymax] [ZLIM zmin zmax]
[DEFAult] (all limits set to -25, +25 A)
STEreo [ON/OFF] [dist] [angle]
VECtor COLOr color-name [ WIDTh integer ] [ HEAD ]
TEXt [text-body] :: set title text, null entry clears
FONT [ VSMAll | SMALl | MEDIum | LARGe ] :: text font; default MEDIUM
These commands change the view only:
SCAle factor [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
BOXsize size [MOL/LAB]
CENter [atom-selection]
POInt x y z
ROTate rx ry rz [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
TRAnslate x y z [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
ZCLip [low] high
ZCUe [ [low] high ]/[AUTO]
These commands do not affect the display:
AUTo [ON*/OFF] :: redraw after every command
ERAse [ON*/OFF] :: screen clear prior to next drawing
EXEcute pathname :: execute a program; no arguments are passed
Output Files: the UNIT must be OPENed first...
MAKE UNIT n :: LIGHT .atm file
PSC UNIT n [COLOr] [BWREv] [PORTrait] :: PostScript file
POV UNIT n [ INIT ] :: POV-Ray file
[ TERM ]
[ INCLude n ] [ UOBJ n ]
[ OBJect obj-spec ]
(see the description for full syntax details)
Initializing, exiting:
GRAPhx [XXSZ iwidth] [XYSZ iheight] [ NVERtex integer ]
OFF :: disable all graphics and exit (see END, below).
END :: exit from command parser only; preserve window
RESet :: revert to default view, scale
DEFault-colors :: revert to default colors
HELp :: provides a command listing
Available within the graphics subcommand parser:
miscellaneous-command-spec ! see » miscom
IC ic-subcommand-spec ! see » intcor
COOR coor-subcommand-spec ! see » corman
TRAJ traj-subcommand-spec ! see » dynamc
These commands affect what is viewed:
DRAw [atom-selection] :: change displayed atoms, force a redraw
DISplay [ON]* [MAIN]* [COMP] [BOND]* [VECT] [ATOM] [TEXT] -
[HBONds] [LABEls] [AXES] :: change displayed objects
COLor color-name [brightfactor] [COMP] atom-selection
[ LEVel izcue-level ]
color-name = NONE RED BLACk YELLow GREEn WHITe
PURPle TURQuoise CHARtreuse DKBLue
(or an integer from 0 to 15)
izcue-level = an integer from 0 to 11; 0 == brightest, 11 == dimmest
HBStyle [COLOR color-name] [WIDTH iwidth] [DASH idash] :: HBOND style
LBL label-type label-atoms SIZE label-size COLOr label-color
USER user-label
label-atoms = FIRSt and/or atom-selection
label-size = VSMAll SMALl MEDIum LARGe default: SMALL
label-color = color-name ( see COLOR command above ... ) default: YELLOW
user-label = up to 8 characters
LINe iwidth :: bonds or vectors; pixels
RADii [DEFaults] [PARam] atom-scale [bond-scale] atom-sel
AXEs [XLIM xmin xmax] [YLIM ymin ymax] [ZLIM zmin zmax]
[DEFAult] (all limits set to -25, +25 A)
STEreo [ON/OFF] [dist] [angle]
VECtor COLOr color-name [ WIDTh integer ] [ HEAD ]
TEXt [text-body] :: set title text, null entry clears
FONT [ VSMAll | SMALl | MEDIum | LARGe ] :: text font; default MEDIUM
These commands change the view only:
SCAle factor [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
BOXsize size [MOL/LAB]
CENter [atom-selection]
POInt x y z
ROTate rx ry rz [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
TRAnslate x y z [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
ZCLip [low] high
ZCUe [ [low] high ]/[AUTO]
These commands do not affect the display:
AUTo [ON*/OFF] :: redraw after every command
ERAse [ON*/OFF] :: screen clear prior to next drawing
EXEcute pathname :: execute a program; no arguments are passed
Output Files: the UNIT must be OPENed first...
MAKE UNIT n :: LIGHT .atm file
PSC UNIT n [COLOr] [BWREv] [PORTrait] :: PostScript file
POV UNIT n [ INIT ] :: POV-Ray file
[ TERM ]
[ INCLude n ] [ UOBJ n ]
[ OBJect obj-spec ]
(see the description for full syntax details)
GRAPhx [XXSZ iwidth] [XYSZ iheight] [NVERtex integer]
Invoked from the main CHARMM command parser; if already initialized
(i.e. GRAPHX ... END) the previous graphic states are retained.
The XXSZ and XYSZ options set the X11 window width and height for
the duration of the graphics session; a window resize is NOT passed
back to graphics code at this time.
The NVERtex option increases the allocated storage for the vertex array
used by the POV-Ray object code, especially for the MESH and RIBBON
objects; the default is set to NATOM. but may need to be increased for
scripts which create a lot of POV objects, especially RIBBON objects.
The NOWIndow option suppresses the X11 window for batch mode or remote
usage; ideal for making PostScript files, etc.
List the available commands and syntax.
Disable all graphics and exit the graphics subcommand parser; see
also the END command.
Exit from command parser only; allows other CHARMM commands to be
performed w/o losing the current display. Re-invoking graphics
does not re-initialize the graphics settings. Useful for trajectory
movies using MERGE DRAW, e.g.
open unit 12 read file name dyn.trj.10
merge draw firstu 12 nunit 1
Overlays can be created (on screen only) by preceding the END command
in the above example with ERAse OFF.
Restores view settings to the program defaults ( scale, translation
and rotations).
DISplay [ON*] [MAIN*] [COMP] [VECT] [ATOM] [BOND*] [TEXT] [HBONds] -
Turns the display of various graphic features on or off; the default
is DISPLAY ON MAIN BOND TEXT which will show the connectivity of
the atoms in main coordinate set, using the default CHARMM title.
The options are:
ON*/OFF enable (default) or disable the display of a feature
MAIN* the main coordinate set; displayed by default
COMP the comparison coordinate set; both may be displayed
BOND* atom connectivity as atom-colored half-bonds; default
ATOM filled circles using current radius (see RADII)
TEXT* title display
HBONDS current HBOND list, using double width lines
LABELS residue names, atom types, user labels ...
AXES lab frame axes; + end solid, labeled; - end dashed
display atom on ! enable atom display; MAIN assumed
display text ! toggles title display
display hbonds off ! disable H-bond display
DRAw [atom-selection]
Forces a redraw when AUTO mode is off; also used to to change which
set of atoms is currently being displayed. All display modes and
output files from PLOT, PSC, PLUTO, XMOLE, and MAKE commands use this
atom selection. The initial selection is all atoms and may be restored
draw sele all end
COLor color-name [brightfactor] [COMP] atom-selection
[LEVel i]
Sets the color of individual atoms according to the atom
selection, using one of the color names below:
PURPle TURQuoise CHARtreuse DKBLue
The color applies to the main coordinate set unless COMP is
specified; brightfactor is a relative intensity, 0.0 -- 1.0
Alternatively, the zcue levels may be set directly to one of the
indices, an integer in the range 0:11 with 0 being fully bright.
Setting all atoms to WHITE, and using the brightfactor gives the
best control over how PostScript grayscale output will look on the
printed page; note that NONE is background, BLACK is the basic carbon
color is really gray, and WHITE will be black in PostScript grayscale
output or in color output with black/white reversal.
All carbons for segment s are colored cyan:
color cyan sele type c* .and. segid s end
Colored based on weighting array:
color green lev 11 sele prop wmain .gt. 1.0 end
color green lev 10 sele prop wmain .gt. 2.0 end
Restore the default color assignments, based on element type.
LINe iwidth (bonds or vectors; pixels)
Set the line width for bonds & vectors, in pixels (integer).
line 2
RADii [DEFaults] [PARam] scale [bond] atom-sel
Sets the radius for displaying atoms, and for output files produced
by the PLOT, PSC, XMOLE, and MAKE commands. The options are:
scale required if no other options are specified, and
assumed to be 1.0 if omitted; performs a relative
scale if used by itself, or scales the radii set
by the DEFAULT or PARAM options
DEFAULTS set radii to a convenient size for display, based
on atom type ( C, N, O, ... )
PARAM use VDW radii
bond value for bond radii for LIGHT program (see MAKE)
atom-sel atom selection to apply the radii command to
rad 0.8 ! reduces radii to 80% of current value
radii param .5 ! set radii to 50% of VDW
radii param .5 .15 ! bond radii to 0.15 A
rad 1.5 sele type H* end ! enlarge all H atoms by 50%
VECtor COLOr color-name [ WIDTh integer ] [ HEAD ]
Specifies color and line width for optional vector display, enabled
via DISPLAY VECT; the vectors are expected in the COMP array, so
this is mutually exclusive with DISPLAY COMP. The optional HEAD
keyword adds an arrowhead for the POV-Ray display only.
LBL label-type label-atoms SIZE label-size COLOR label-color
label-atoms = FIRST* and/or atom-selection
label-color = color-name ( see COLOR command above; default: YELLOW )
user-label = up to 8 characters
The LBL command identifies which atoms are to be labeled, what
atom attributes are to be included in the label, and the relative
size of the labels; the defaults are marked with an asterisk [*].
The INIT option clears all labels, and any other options are ignored.
One or more the following attributes may be included in the label,
by simply including the keyword(s) in the LBL statement:
SEGId segment name (from GENErate; A4)
RESN residue name (from the RTF; A4)
RESId residue ID, a numeral (A4)
TYPE atom type, e.g. N, CA, CB ... (A4)
CHEM atom parameter type code (A4)
CHARge atomic charge (G12.4)
WEIGht value stored in the weight vector (G12.4)
USER arbitrary user-specified text (A8)
The label length (24 bytes) is such that all attributes may NOT be
displayed simulaneously; in particular, CHARge and WEIGht may not be
displayed at the same time for the same atom.
SIZE is specified by one the keywords VSMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE,
with a default of SMALL. The COLOR keyword allows setting the label
color, using the same color names as the COLor command; the default
label color is yellow. Each use of the LBL command can create a group
of labels of a different size and color, for atoms which don't overlap
with any previous label atom selections.
The blank delimited word following the keyword USER, up to 8 characters, allows
the use of any text string as a label for the selected atoms.
The default is to label the first atom of each residue; an atom
selection overrides this, unless the FIRSt keyword is present;
in this case, the first atom of each selected residue is labeled.
! the first atom of each residue is labeled by name with normal text
! the first atom of each residue in the segment MAIN is labeled
! by name and number with very small text
! all oxygen atoms are labeled by charge with small text
! all alpha-carbons are labeled by the weight vector with medium text
! enter a null label; may be used to selectively "blank" labels
! in this case, all alpha-carbon labels are set to a string of blanks
! for display efficiency, LBL INIT is preferable
! show the location of formal charges on amino acid side chains
HBStyle [COLOR color-name] [WIDTH iwidth] [DASH idash]
Set the style for representing HBONDS; color-name is as for the
COLOR command, and iwidth and idash are integers in pixel units.
Specifying HBSTYLE alone resets to the default style, which is
equivalent to
If at least one option (COLOR, WIDTH, or DASH) is specified, the
remaining options are unchanged; thus HBSTYLE COLOR WHITE will
not reset the WIDTH to 4 pixels, but leave it as it was.
AXEs [XLIM xmin xmax] [YLIM ymin ymax] [ZLIM zmin zmax]
Changes the length of the displayed axes; the default, which is
restored via the DEFAult keyword, is -25 to +25 A for each dimension.
Only the axes lines specified are changed, e.g. AXES ZLIM -5 5 only
changes the endpoints of the Z axes line.
STEreo [ON/OFF] [dist] [angle]
Invoke side-by-side stereo mode for screen display and for output
files produced by the PLOT and MAKE commands, when the ON keyword
is used, or when stereo is off. The dist option controls the
separation between the two images; the angle option specifies
the parallax angle for left and right eye views. The OFF keyword
is used to return to mono mode, and is assumed if the command is
used while in stereo mode. The default angle is 7 degrees, but the
dist parameter defaults to an interval derived from the window width;
wider windows are best for stereo.
stereo on 16.0 7
TEXT [ text-body | "text-body" ]
Supply the text for the title display; quotes override the conversion
to all upper case, and a null entry clears the current title. The
quotes are removed, and are not displayed as part of the title; the
current CHARMM title is the default graphics title.
FONt [ VSMAll | SMALl | MEdium | LArge ]
Change the title font to one of four sizes; the initial setting
is MEDIUM, as is the default if no size is specified.
SCAle factor [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
Change the Angstrom/pixel scale factor; initially, 1 A = 32 pixels.
The repeat factor can provide an ersatz zoom effect. The default is
the LAB frame (i.e. scale is done relative to screen center rather
then the system center).
BOXsize size [MOL/LAB]
Set the viewing 'box' to (size)x(size), in Angstroms.
CENter [atom-selection]
Move the selected atoms to the center of display space.
Scales the molecule to fit in the display window.
POInt x y z
The point specified by x y z becomes the center of display space.
ROTate rx ry rz [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
Apply a rotation to the viewing transform; does not affect the
coordinates. The default is the LAB frame (i.e. a Z rotation
always spins the screen). If the MOL (molecule) frame is used,
then the rotation will be about the origin of the molecular coordinate
system (i.e. does not depend on the current view matrix).
(NOTE1: the ROTate command uses a left handed system, multiply rotation
angles by -1 as necessary).
(NOTE2: if more than one rotation angle is given as nonzero, then the
rotations will occur sequentially, first x, then y, and then z).
rot 0 90 ! rotate by 90 deg around the y axis
rotate 180 ! rotate by 180 deg around the x axis
rot 90 0 90 ! rotate by 90 deg around x, then 90 deg around z
TRAnslate x y z [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
Apply a translation to the viewing transform; does not affect the
tran 2 9.5 ! translate +2 A along x axis, +9.5 along y axis
tra 0 0 4 ! translate +4 axis along the z axis
ZCLip [low] high
Set hither and yon clip limits; atoms outside the limits are not
displayed, whether selected or not.
zclip 10 ! atoms outside z = ( -10 .. +10 ) are not displayed
zclip -5 10
ZCUe [[low] high ]/[AUTO]
Controls the z coordinate range over which depth cueing will be
applied. AUTO use the displayed atom coordinates to set the limits.
zcue 10 ! zcue from -10 to +10
zcue -4 8
zcue auto
Enables or disables automatic redraw after every command; the
initial setting is ON, and the command functions as a toggle.
AUTO OFF is useful for making multiple changes without the
time required for a redraw.
Enables or disables a screen clear prior to the next drawing; the
initial setting is ON, and the command functions as a toggle.
ERASE OFF is useful for overlaying trajectory frames or other
related collections of structures. Possibly best used with AUTO OFF,
and using DRAW for each structure. Also applies to POV and PSC
commands; after using the INIT keyword, the file is not closed until
one of the following:
(1) PSC/POV command with TERMinate keyword; only correct method
(2) the UNIT is CLOSEd; no title or page eject, etc.
(3) the program terminates; no title or page eject, etc.
Creates an overlay of 50 consecutive trajectory frames (coord traj
open on unit 20; .ps file open on unit 12):
erase off
psc unit 12 init
set n 1
label frmlp
coor read file unit 20 ifile -1
psc unit 12
let n += 1
if n .lt. 50 goto frmlp
psc unit 12 term
EXEcute pathname
Execute a program w/o arguments.
exe /bin/ls ! list the current directory (unix)
Equivalent to the SYSTem command » miscom
GRAPhx [XXSZ iwidth] [XYSZ iheight] [NVERtex integer]
Invoked from the main CHARMM command parser; if already initialized
(i.e. GRAPHX ... END) the previous graphic states are retained.
The XXSZ and XYSZ options set the X11 window width and height for
the duration of the graphics session; a window resize is NOT passed
back to graphics code at this time.
The NVERtex option increases the allocated storage for the vertex array
used by the POV-Ray object code, especially for the MESH and RIBBON
objects; the default is set to NATOM. but may need to be increased for
scripts which create a lot of POV objects, especially RIBBON objects.
The NOWIndow option suppresses the X11 window for batch mode or remote
usage; ideal for making PostScript files, etc.
List the available commands and syntax.
Disable all graphics and exit the graphics subcommand parser; see
also the END command.
Exit from command parser only; allows other CHARMM commands to be
performed w/o losing the current display. Re-invoking graphics
does not re-initialize the graphics settings. Useful for trajectory
movies using MERGE DRAW, e.g.
open unit 12 read file name dyn.trj.10
merge draw firstu 12 nunit 1
Overlays can be created (on screen only) by preceding the END command
in the above example with ERAse OFF.
Restores view settings to the program defaults ( scale, translation
and rotations).
DISplay [ON*] [MAIN*] [COMP] [VECT] [ATOM] [BOND*] [TEXT] [HBONds] -
Turns the display of various graphic features on or off; the default
is DISPLAY ON MAIN BOND TEXT which will show the connectivity of
the atoms in main coordinate set, using the default CHARMM title.
The options are:
ON*/OFF enable (default) or disable the display of a feature
MAIN* the main coordinate set; displayed by default
COMP the comparison coordinate set; both may be displayed
BOND* atom connectivity as atom-colored half-bonds; default
ATOM filled circles using current radius (see RADII)
TEXT* title display
HBONDS current HBOND list, using double width lines
LABELS residue names, atom types, user labels ...
AXES lab frame axes; + end solid, labeled; - end dashed
display atom on ! enable atom display; MAIN assumed
display text ! toggles title display
display hbonds off ! disable H-bond display
DRAw [atom-selection]
Forces a redraw when AUTO mode is off; also used to to change which
set of atoms is currently being displayed. All display modes and
output files from PLOT, PSC, PLUTO, XMOLE, and MAKE commands use this
atom selection. The initial selection is all atoms and may be restored
draw sele all end
COLor color-name [brightfactor] [COMP] atom-selection
[LEVel i]
Sets the color of individual atoms according to the atom
selection, using one of the color names below:
PURPle TURQuoise CHARtreuse DKBLue
The color applies to the main coordinate set unless COMP is
specified; brightfactor is a relative intensity, 0.0 -- 1.0
Alternatively, the zcue levels may be set directly to one of the
indices, an integer in the range 0:11 with 0 being fully bright.
Setting all atoms to WHITE, and using the brightfactor gives the
best control over how PostScript grayscale output will look on the
printed page; note that NONE is background, BLACK is the basic carbon
color is really gray, and WHITE will be black in PostScript grayscale
output or in color output with black/white reversal.
All carbons for segment s are colored cyan:
color cyan sele type c* .and. segid s end
Colored based on weighting array:
color green lev 11 sele prop wmain .gt. 1.0 end
color green lev 10 sele prop wmain .gt. 2.0 end
Restore the default color assignments, based on element type.
LINe iwidth (bonds or vectors; pixels)
Set the line width for bonds & vectors, in pixels (integer).
line 2
RADii [DEFaults] [PARam] scale [bond] atom-sel
Sets the radius for displaying atoms, and for output files produced
by the PLOT, PSC, XMOLE, and MAKE commands. The options are:
scale required if no other options are specified, and
assumed to be 1.0 if omitted; performs a relative
scale if used by itself, or scales the radii set
by the DEFAULT or PARAM options
DEFAULTS set radii to a convenient size for display, based
on atom type ( C, N, O, ... )
PARAM use VDW radii
bond value for bond radii for LIGHT program (see MAKE)
atom-sel atom selection to apply the radii command to
rad 0.8 ! reduces radii to 80% of current value
radii param .5 ! set radii to 50% of VDW
radii param .5 .15 ! bond radii to 0.15 A
rad 1.5 sele type H* end ! enlarge all H atoms by 50%
VECtor COLOr color-name [ WIDTh integer ] [ HEAD ]
Specifies color and line width for optional vector display, enabled
via DISPLAY VECT; the vectors are expected in the COMP array, so
this is mutually exclusive with DISPLAY COMP. The optional HEAD
keyword adds an arrowhead for the POV-Ray display only.
LBL label-type label-atoms SIZE label-size COLOR label-color
label-atoms = FIRST* and/or atom-selection
label-color = color-name ( see COLOR command above; default: YELLOW )
user-label = up to 8 characters
The LBL command identifies which atoms are to be labeled, what
atom attributes are to be included in the label, and the relative
size of the labels; the defaults are marked with an asterisk [*].
The INIT option clears all labels, and any other options are ignored.
One or more the following attributes may be included in the label,
by simply including the keyword(s) in the LBL statement:
SEGId segment name (from GENErate; A4)
RESN residue name (from the RTF; A4)
RESId residue ID, a numeral (A4)
TYPE atom type, e.g. N, CA, CB ... (A4)
CHEM atom parameter type code (A4)
CHARge atomic charge (G12.4)
WEIGht value stored in the weight vector (G12.4)
USER arbitrary user-specified text (A8)
The label length (24 bytes) is such that all attributes may NOT be
displayed simulaneously; in particular, CHARge and WEIGht may not be
displayed at the same time for the same atom.
SIZE is specified by one the keywords VSMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE,
with a default of SMALL. The COLOR keyword allows setting the label
color, using the same color names as the COLor command; the default
label color is yellow. Each use of the LBL command can create a group
of labels of a different size and color, for atoms which don't overlap
with any previous label atom selections.
The blank delimited word following the keyword USER, up to 8 characters, allows
the use of any text string as a label for the selected atoms.
The default is to label the first atom of each residue; an atom
selection overrides this, unless the FIRSt keyword is present;
in this case, the first atom of each selected residue is labeled.
! the first atom of each residue is labeled by name with normal text
! the first atom of each residue in the segment MAIN is labeled
! by name and number with very small text
! all oxygen atoms are labeled by charge with small text
! all alpha-carbons are labeled by the weight vector with medium text
! enter a null label; may be used to selectively "blank" labels
! in this case, all alpha-carbon labels are set to a string of blanks
! for display efficiency, LBL INIT is preferable
! show the location of formal charges on amino acid side chains
HBStyle [COLOR color-name] [WIDTH iwidth] [DASH idash]
Set the style for representing HBONDS; color-name is as for the
COLOR command, and iwidth and idash are integers in pixel units.
Specifying HBSTYLE alone resets to the default style, which is
equivalent to
If at least one option (COLOR, WIDTH, or DASH) is specified, the
remaining options are unchanged; thus HBSTYLE COLOR WHITE will
not reset the WIDTH to 4 pixels, but leave it as it was.
AXEs [XLIM xmin xmax] [YLIM ymin ymax] [ZLIM zmin zmax]
Changes the length of the displayed axes; the default, which is
restored via the DEFAult keyword, is -25 to +25 A for each dimension.
Only the axes lines specified are changed, e.g. AXES ZLIM -5 5 only
changes the endpoints of the Z axes line.
STEreo [ON/OFF] [dist] [angle]
Invoke side-by-side stereo mode for screen display and for output
files produced by the PLOT and MAKE commands, when the ON keyword
is used, or when stereo is off. The dist option controls the
separation between the two images; the angle option specifies
the parallax angle for left and right eye views. The OFF keyword
is used to return to mono mode, and is assumed if the command is
used while in stereo mode. The default angle is 7 degrees, but the
dist parameter defaults to an interval derived from the window width;
wider windows are best for stereo.
stereo on 16.0 7
TEXT [ text-body | "text-body" ]
Supply the text for the title display; quotes override the conversion
to all upper case, and a null entry clears the current title. The
quotes are removed, and are not displayed as part of the title; the
current CHARMM title is the default graphics title.
FONt [ VSMAll | SMALl | MEdium | LArge ]
Change the title font to one of four sizes; the initial setting
is MEDIUM, as is the default if no size is specified.
SCAle factor [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
Change the Angstrom/pixel scale factor; initially, 1 A = 32 pixels.
The repeat factor can provide an ersatz zoom effect. The default is
the LAB frame (i.e. scale is done relative to screen center rather
then the system center).
BOXsize size [MOL/LAB]
Set the viewing 'box' to (size)x(size), in Angstroms.
CENter [atom-selection]
Move the selected atoms to the center of display space.
Scales the molecule to fit in the display window.
POInt x y z
The point specified by x y z becomes the center of display space.
ROTate rx ry rz [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
Apply a rotation to the viewing transform; does not affect the
coordinates. The default is the LAB frame (i.e. a Z rotation
always spins the screen). If the MOL (molecule) frame is used,
then the rotation will be about the origin of the molecular coordinate
system (i.e. does not depend on the current view matrix).
(NOTE1: the ROTate command uses a left handed system, multiply rotation
angles by -1 as necessary).
(NOTE2: if more than one rotation angle is given as nonzero, then the
rotations will occur sequentially, first x, then y, and then z).
rot 0 90 ! rotate by 90 deg around the y axis
rotate 180 ! rotate by 180 deg around the x axis
rot 90 0 90 ! rotate by 90 deg around x, then 90 deg around z
TRAnslate x y z [MOL/LAB] [REP int]
Apply a translation to the viewing transform; does not affect the
tran 2 9.5 ! translate +2 A along x axis, +9.5 along y axis
tra 0 0 4 ! translate +4 axis along the z axis
ZCLip [low] high
Set hither and yon clip limits; atoms outside the limits are not
displayed, whether selected or not.
zclip 10 ! atoms outside z = ( -10 .. +10 ) are not displayed
zclip -5 10
ZCUe [[low] high ]/[AUTO]
Controls the z coordinate range over which depth cueing will be
applied. AUTO use the displayed atom coordinates to set the limits.
zcue 10 ! zcue from -10 to +10
zcue -4 8
zcue auto
Enables or disables automatic redraw after every command; the
initial setting is ON, and the command functions as a toggle.
AUTO OFF is useful for making multiple changes without the
time required for a redraw.
Enables or disables a screen clear prior to the next drawing; the
initial setting is ON, and the command functions as a toggle.
ERASE OFF is useful for overlaying trajectory frames or other
related collections of structures. Possibly best used with AUTO OFF,
and using DRAW for each structure. Also applies to POV and PSC
commands; after using the INIT keyword, the file is not closed until
one of the following:
(1) PSC/POV command with TERMinate keyword; only correct method
(2) the UNIT is CLOSEd; no title or page eject, etc.
(3) the program terminates; no title or page eject, etc.
Creates an overlay of 50 consecutive trajectory frames (coord traj
open on unit 20; .ps file open on unit 12):
erase off
psc unit 12 init
set n 1
label frmlp
coor read file unit 20 ifile -1
psc unit 12
let n += 1
if n .lt. 50 goto frmlp
psc unit 12 term
EXEcute pathname
Execute a program w/o arguments.
exe /bin/ls ! list the current directory (unix)
Equivalent to the SYSTem command » miscom
Output Facility
PSC UNIT n [COLOr] [PORTrait] [BWREverse] [INIT | TERM]
Writes out a PostScript display file using the current viewing transform
and selected atoms; the default is grayscale in landscape mode, and may
be changed using the COLOr and/or PORTrait keywords. Colors are direct
translations of the RGB color map used for Apollo and X11 displays, or
arbitrary conversions to grayscale. Direct control over grayscale may
be achieved by setting all atoms to COLOR WHITE, and using the
'brightfactor' option of the COLOR command to set the various gray
levels; note that full WHITE is black, since the background (paper) is
white in grayscale mode. The default background is black in COLOR mode, but may changed to white
with BWREverse keyword; atoms or text colored white on the screen will
be printed in black. As always, the UNIT must be opened first
(recommended file extension .ps).
The INIT keyword forces device initialization in ERASE OFF mode, and
should only be used in that context; it is not normally required.
Likewise, the TERM keyword writes the final part of the PostScript file in ERASE OFF mode,
and does not draw the structure; only the graphics title and the final
few PostScript commands are written to the file. See the ERAse command
for additional details and a usage example.
Writes out atom coordinates and connectivity based on the current atom
selection and view transform, in CSD FDAT format.
WARNING: 999 atom limit!
Stereo mode settings are ignored, as are radii and color. Also, atoms
should be renamed to their element types to get proper radii, etc within
pluto (e.g. CA is not carbon alpha, it's calcium). As with PLOT, the
UNIT must be opened first ( recommended file extension .fdat ).
rename atom C1 sele type C end
rename atom C2 sele type CA end
rename atom N1 sele type N end
rename atom O1 sele type O end
rename atom H1 sele type H1 end
! etc., etc., etc.
scale .5
rot 0 90
open unit 50 write card name molecule.fdat
pluto unit 50
Writes atom coordinates, radii, and color to a file formatted for
the LIGHT program (available from the N.I.H.) which produces nice
ray-traced images using current stereo settings and view transform.
A 1280x1024 window is the optimum size for best scaling and centering
of the image produced by LIGHT.
The UNIT must be opened first; the LIGHT program requires that an
extension of .atm be use for the file name.
POV UNIT int [ INIT ] [ INCLude int ]
[ TERM ]
Write atom-based objects; bonds, atoms, H-bonds, labels
UNIT int :: final POV file; user must open; also open int+1 for stereo
INCLude int :: read file w. user override of default camera, lighting, ...
INIT :: intialize POV file in ERASE OFF mode (overlays)
TERM :: close POV file in ERASE OFF mode; other options ignored
All units must be opened; in STEreo mode, UNIT numbers are used in
pairs as N, N+1 for the left- and right-eye views. The atom, bonds,
H-bonds, and labels currently displayed are written to the file; just
as for the X11 display and PostScript output, this is determined by the
last atom selection used with a DRAw command, and graphics elements
enabled via the DISplay command. The current viewpoint is used for
transforming coordinates for the POV output file, and the graphics
SCAle determines the camera distance. The atom radii are determined
from the current graphics RADii, while the bond cylinders are scaled
based on the graphics LINe width.
The POV file produced (recommended extension .pov) is a flat text file,
and may be manually edited to further customize the image that will be
ultimately created by processing the POV file. Note that CHARMM only
creates an input file for POV-Ray; it is assumed that the user has
access to version 3.x of the POV-Ray program. When using the povray3
program on Unix systems, the PPM bitmap output format is recommended.
For details on obtaining and using the POV-Ray program, see the web
site at
The INCLude file provides an easy mechanism to add user customization,
e.g. changing the light sources or camera position, or adding other
POV-Ray objects to be displayed. Comments in the POV input file
created indicate the section which is completely replaced by the
userfile; using the CHARMM supplied default setup as a template for
INCLude files is strongly encouraged.
The INIT keyword forces device initialization in ERASE OFF mode, and
should only be used in that context; it is not normally required.
Likewise, the TERM keyword writes the final part of the POV file in
ERASE OFF mode, and does not output a structure; only the graphics
title is written to the file. See the ERAse command for additional
details and a PSC (PostScript) usage example.
Example: write a single POV file
open unit 21 write card name protein.pov
pov unit 21
Example: write two POV files for a stereo image pair
open unit 21 write card name protein-l.pov
open unit 22 write card name protein-r.pov
pov unit 21
Output Facility
PSC UNIT n [COLOr] [PORTrait] [BWREverse] [INIT | TERM]
Writes out a PostScript display file using the current viewing transform
and selected atoms; the default is grayscale in landscape mode, and may
be changed using the COLOr and/or PORTrait keywords. Colors are direct
translations of the RGB color map used for Apollo and X11 displays, or
arbitrary conversions to grayscale. Direct control over grayscale may
be achieved by setting all atoms to COLOR WHITE, and using the
'brightfactor' option of the COLOR command to set the various gray
levels; note that full WHITE is black, since the background (paper) is
white in grayscale mode. The default background is black in COLOR mode, but may changed to white
with BWREverse keyword; atoms or text colored white on the screen will
be printed in black. As always, the UNIT must be opened first
(recommended file extension .ps).
The INIT keyword forces device initialization in ERASE OFF mode, and
should only be used in that context; it is not normally required.
Likewise, the TERM keyword writes the final part of the PostScript file in ERASE OFF mode,
and does not draw the structure; only the graphics title and the final
few PostScript commands are written to the file. See the ERAse command
for additional details and a usage example.
Writes out atom coordinates and connectivity based on the current atom
selection and view transform, in CSD FDAT format.
WARNING: 999 atom limit!
Stereo mode settings are ignored, as are radii and color. Also, atoms
should be renamed to their element types to get proper radii, etc within
pluto (e.g. CA is not carbon alpha, it's calcium). As with PLOT, the
UNIT must be opened first ( recommended file extension .fdat ).
rename atom C1 sele type C end
rename atom C2 sele type CA end
rename atom N1 sele type N end
rename atom O1 sele type O end
rename atom H1 sele type H1 end
! etc., etc., etc.
scale .5
rot 0 90
open unit 50 write card name molecule.fdat
pluto unit 50
Writes atom coordinates, radii, and color to a file formatted for
the LIGHT program (available from the N.I.H.) which produces nice
ray-traced images using current stereo settings and view transform.
A 1280x1024 window is the optimum size for best scaling and centering
of the image produced by LIGHT.
The UNIT must be opened first; the LIGHT program requires that an
extension of .atm be use for the file name.
POV UNIT int [ INIT ] [ INCLude int ]
[ TERM ]
Write atom-based objects; bonds, atoms, H-bonds, labels
UNIT int :: final POV file; user must open; also open int+1 for stereo
INCLude int :: read file w. user override of default camera, lighting, ...
INIT :: intialize POV file in ERASE OFF mode (overlays)
TERM :: close POV file in ERASE OFF mode; other options ignored
All units must be opened; in STEreo mode, UNIT numbers are used in
pairs as N, N+1 for the left- and right-eye views. The atom, bonds,
H-bonds, and labels currently displayed are written to the file; just
as for the X11 display and PostScript output, this is determined by the
last atom selection used with a DRAw command, and graphics elements
enabled via the DISplay command. The current viewpoint is used for
transforming coordinates for the POV output file, and the graphics
SCAle determines the camera distance. The atom radii are determined
from the current graphics RADii, while the bond cylinders are scaled
based on the graphics LINe width.
The POV file produced (recommended extension .pov) is a flat text file,
and may be manually edited to further customize the image that will be
ultimately created by processing the POV file. Note that CHARMM only
creates an input file for POV-Ray; it is assumed that the user has
access to version 3.x of the POV-Ray program. When using the povray3
program on Unix systems, the PPM bitmap output format is recommended.
For details on obtaining and using the POV-Ray program, see the web
site at
The INCLude file provides an easy mechanism to add user customization,
e.g. changing the light sources or camera position, or adding other
POV-Ray objects to be displayed. Comments in the POV input file
created indicate the section which is completely replaced by the
userfile; using the CHARMM supplied default setup as a template for
INCLude files is strongly encouraged.
The INIT keyword forces device initialization in ERASE OFF mode, and
should only be used in that context; it is not normally required.
Likewise, the TERM keyword writes the final part of the POV file in
ERASE OFF mode, and does not output a structure; only the graphics
title is written to the file. See the ERAse command for additional
details and a PSC (PostScript) usage example.
Example: write a single POV file
open unit 21 write card name protein.pov
pov unit 21
Example: write two POV files for a stereo image pair
open unit 21 write card name protein-l.pov
open unit 22 write card name protein-r.pov
pov unit 21
X11 Usage Tips
On some workstations, the graphics display colors will only be
correct when that window has "focus".
The recommended "focus" policy is pointer-has-focus, i.e. the active
window is whichever one the mouse pointer is in; this permits typing
graphics commands in a mostly obscured terminal window (xterm, winterm,
hpterm, aixterm, etc.). The alternative is to "lower" the text command
window via the window manager. Automatic "topping" of the window with
focus is not recommended.
Although the graphics display window can be resized, the size change is
not currently passed back to the drawing routines.
X11 Compiling Problems
The default assumptions are:
(1) required include files (Xlib.h, Xutil.h) reside in /usr/include/X11
(2) the library libX11.a resides in /usr/lib/X11
These files *must* exist for the X11 graphics to be compiled, and of
course the keyword XDISPLAY must be in the pref.dat file. If the files
are NOT in the standard places (such as under HP-UX), the compile option
-I may be needed to point to the directory with the include files, and
the corresponding -L option may be needed to point to the directory
which contains libX11.a for the final link step.
Other Useful Programs (all "freeware")
(1) ghostscript -- besides allowing on screen preview of PostScript files
prior to printing, this useful utility can convert the .ps files output by
the PSC command to other formats (e.g. GIF, PBM) and can also be used to make
an "encapsulated" PostScript (EPS) file. Available via FTP from almost any
software archive that distributes GNU software (Free Software Foundation).
(2) xfig -- this X11-based technical drawing package can read EPS files, and
provides an ideal way to do "pasteup" of PostScript files from diverse sources
into a composite figure. Available via FTP from sites carrying X11 software;
hardware specific sites may have versions pre-configured for SGI, HP, etc.
(3) pbmplus, netpbm -- this suite of bitmap manipulation programs offers the
best looking conversion to GIF files, using a PBM file from ghostscript as an
intermediate file type. The names pbmplus and netpbm indicate minor variants
of the same suite, with netpbm being more recent, according to UseNet lore.
Available at the MIT X11 site, and similar FTP sites.
(4) light -- a ray-tracing program written by BR Brooks at NIH, which uses
the file format ouput by the graphics MAK command; used to produce movies
and slick-looking single images for presentations. Contact the author.
(5) gnuplot -- 2D and 3D graphics, with X11 and PostScript support (and about
50 other output devices as well); useful for time series plots, etc., which
can be combined with molecular graphics via xfig (see above). Available at
most GNU sites and from the "home" site at Dartmouth.
(6) ImageMagick -- a powerful suite of image manipulation programs, including
animation capabilities; available at
(7) MPEG -- mpegencode and mpegplay produce and replay animations; multiple
images in PBM format can be combined into a movie
X11 Usage Tips
On some workstations, the graphics display colors will only be
correct when that window has "focus".
The recommended "focus" policy is pointer-has-focus, i.e. the active
window is whichever one the mouse pointer is in; this permits typing
graphics commands in a mostly obscured terminal window (xterm, winterm,
hpterm, aixterm, etc.). The alternative is to "lower" the text command
window via the window manager. Automatic "topping" of the window with
focus is not recommended.
Although the graphics display window can be resized, the size change is
not currently passed back to the drawing routines.
X11 Compiling Problems
The default assumptions are:
(1) required include files (Xlib.h, Xutil.h) reside in /usr/include/X11
(2) the library libX11.a resides in /usr/lib/X11
These files *must* exist for the X11 graphics to be compiled, and of
course the keyword XDISPLAY must be in the pref.dat file. If the files
are NOT in the standard places (such as under HP-UX), the compile option
-I may be needed to point to the directory with the include files, and
the corresponding -L option may be needed to point to the directory
which contains libX11.a for the final link step.
Other Useful Programs (all "freeware")
(1) ghostscript -- besides allowing on screen preview of PostScript files
prior to printing, this useful utility can convert the .ps files output by
the PSC command to other formats (e.g. GIF, PBM) and can also be used to make
an "encapsulated" PostScript (EPS) file. Available via FTP from almost any
software archive that distributes GNU software (Free Software Foundation).
(2) xfig -- this X11-based technical drawing package can read EPS files, and
provides an ideal way to do "pasteup" of PostScript files from diverse sources
into a composite figure. Available via FTP from sites carrying X11 software;
hardware specific sites may have versions pre-configured for SGI, HP, etc.
(3) pbmplus, netpbm -- this suite of bitmap manipulation programs offers the
best looking conversion to GIF files, using a PBM file from ghostscript as an
intermediate file type. The names pbmplus and netpbm indicate minor variants
of the same suite, with netpbm being more recent, according to UseNet lore.
Available at the MIT X11 site, and similar FTP sites.
(4) light -- a ray-tracing program written by BR Brooks at NIH, which uses
the file format ouput by the graphics MAK command; used to produce movies
and slick-looking single images for presentations. Contact the author.
(5) gnuplot -- 2D and 3D graphics, with X11 and PostScript support (and about
50 other output devices as well); useful for time series plots, etc., which
can be combined with molecular graphics via xfig (see above). Available at
most GNU sites and from the "home" site at Dartmouth.
(6) ImageMagick -- a powerful suite of image manipulation programs, including
animation capabilities; available at
(7) MPEG -- mpegencode and mpegplay produce and replay animations; multiple
images in PBM format can be combined into a movie